![Soulless Zombie's picture Soulless Zombie's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9783b3f39b214947f1aff79f41e5ae98.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG&f=y)
Submitted by Soulless Zombie on Thu, 11/03/2005 - 14:32
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OK, so I submitted a char proposal and haven't heard anything. Loullabelle posted on the Kelley Armstrong site saying you were desperate for new players, so what is happening?
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New players
Where did you submit it to? A form on the site?
It possible that it's in an e-mail somewhere, and someone just hasn't checked their e-mail.
Also, which game were you applying for?
New players
Hi Sara, yes we are still looking for new players, but like Adam said any application that is made via the online form goes to the inbox of our admin (not me I'm just a lowly mod) but if you wanted an instant response you could always post your application up here (assuming you had a copy) and we can read it straight away. :D
New players
Hi and thanks for replying. I did send the online form, but I also made a couple of mistakes so I may get culled :(
Firstly, I made the cardinal error of forgetting my own e-mail address, then remembering it wrongly :( Silly me, the old brain is on the blink again! As if that wasn't bad enough, I did the same thing when registering, so until the admin gets back to me and lets me know whether or not he/she can fix it, I am without a login.
Anyway enough about me. My character is called Sara May Murphy (although I want to change her surname to O'Hennessy). She would be played by Katie Holmes (who according to your list is still free... I think!) and is very like Katie in looks.... as for her temperment, history etc. please see what you think of the following:
"Saranissa had always known she was different. Different to Marnie and Connor, different even to her twin Alessandra. It wasn't just the way she looked, tall and dark, when the rest of her family was petite and fair, but the way she was. The kids at school used to think she was weird and would pick on her. She tried to hide away from them, hoping that they would forget about her and move on to some other less fortunate person. She hid away in the library wherever possible escaping in books to the fantasy worlds in her head. She dreamed of a place where she was the pretty and popular one, that overnight she could be transformed into Alessandra, who always seemed to know what to say or wear, and how to react in any given situation. She thought that she would always be the ugly duckling, the odd one out. How was she to know what was going to happen?
It started the year she turned 16, strange things started to happen, things she wouldn't reveal to anyone for fear of going mad. It started with the music, a melody came into her head, strangely familiar it played to her day and night; it was followed by a strange scent in the air, like a fragrance that you know but cannot quite name. Then the animals, the family cat, Lira, became her shadow, day and night it would follow her, gazing up at her with its unreadable clear green eyes. When she left the house it would sit forlornly at the gate until she returned when it would greet her with loud purrs, rubbing round and round her ankles as if to keep her from going anywhere else. The birds seemed to sing more sweetly, dogs ran up to her in the street asking with their dark eyes to be petted. Her hair seemed to be thicker and shinier than ever, her eyes wider and her lips fuller. She began to think that maybe, just maybe she might be pretty after all. And then something happened and her newfound bubble of happiness seemed to burst.
The weather had turned cold early this year, and the leaves had completely left the trees by the end of September. Snow had started to fall, drifting from the sky to form miniature snow drifts on the window ledges. The house was warm, Saranissa was singing to herself softly as she started to prepare the dinner, it was her turn and she was determined to make everything perfect. Mom and Da were returning, they had been away to England to visit the university that Marnie was hoping to attend the following September. She had put the potatoes in to bake and the thick stew she had made that morning was bubbling away on the hob. She was starting to prepare the salad when a pain went through her chest, a pain so sharp she couldn't breathe. She cried out and fell to her knees, tears of pain running down her face. Alessandra heard her cry and came running into the room
"Sara, are you OK?.... Sara, answer me... oh my God. Connor come quickly
Sara's ill, help me."
Ali knelt on the floor beside her cradling her head, calling to Connor to help. Gradually the pain began to subside, she drew in several shaky breaths.
"I'm OK. I'll be OK, just give me a minute."
In the hallway the phone started to ring, it was picked up on the third ring by Connor
He paused
"Yes speaking"
A longer pause
"Sorry, I don't understand"
The phone dropped and Connor gave a choking cry... Sara heard no more as the room swirled around her into merciful pain free darkness.
Well that was all a long time ago, Sara’s parents had been killed in a freak snow storm soon after their ferry had docked. Marnie had survived but was badly injured, she never spoke of what happened and Sara, Connor and Alessandra never asked but somehow they all knew that it had been bad. She recovered slowly, and returned home to look after them. The house no longer rang with laughter and the music in Sara’s head had stopped playing. Soon after Alessandra disappeared. One evening she was there, by morning she had gone, a note on her pillow the only clue to why she had left.
"Sorry. I need some time to myself. I love you all."
Things weren't the same without Alessandra around, despite being twins they had never been that close, but the gap in their lives was still the same. Days, weeks and years went by and still they didn't hear from her but life went on.
When Sara turned 18 she decided that it was time to move on, to leave Ireland and all that it stood for and to take her life into her own hands. She packed a few small belongings, put Lira into her basket and booked a place on the next ferry. She could tell that Marnie was relieved, that she wanted to live her life as she hadn't been able to since their parent’s death. Connor didn't say anything.
Sara didn’t know where she was headed or what she was going to do. All she did know was that she couldn’t stay in Eyrecourt, the place that she had formerly called home. There were too many painful memories there. She wanted to get out and to see the world, to become the person that she was destined to be.
As the miles grew between Sara and Ireland the changes which had been reversed by the death of her parents gradually began to return. The music, the scents and the changes to her face all returned. Sara began to feel happier than she had in years. More alive. She tried not to think of home, and what might have been if her parents had lived, instead she focused on the future."
Basically although Sara is human, she is also a witch (although she doesn't know it yet as her powers are only just beginning to manifest themselves). My intent is for her to head to LA in search of her sister, who she may or may not find (I am tossing the idea around that Alessandra may have been turned/has become a powerful, dark witch).
Anyway let me know what you think. My e-mail is: Saranissa@hotmail.co.uk (yeah, I got it right that time!)
New players
I'll activate your login as Saranissa and once you log in you canchange the email address to which ever one you like.
I'd suggest re-posting the character profile you wrote to the LABN character Proposals forum...then folks can vote on it.
New players
Seeing as I play one of only two witch characters on the board I'm gonna give my impressions on this :D (like anyone could stop me right?)
I do like the basic concept - which at this stage I feel is quite basic to be honest. We have a young witch about to enter her powers, (though I don't know why her appearance should change but that's just me) parents dead (though mercifully no vampires involved here :) ) and looking for her twin sister. Personally I'd put the actual finding of Sara's sister on hold - maybe until midseason since we're possibly gonna have a few 'powerful dark witches' of our own to deal with - Daye and possibly Kate, Zola, Su Ling. I wouldn't want Sara's story to be overshadowed by all that.
Oh and on a technical issue, I think the name Alessandra would have to be changed - especially if there's a possibility that she may become a focal character (we already have an Alessandra in Alessa so there could be some confusion there is all).
But overall I'm quite happy with the submission and I'd like to see more from the writer, especially since she's a Kelley Armstrong fan and I've been trying to pimp her books to anyone who'll listen :wink: (no favouritism of course!)
I'd like to hear SOMEONE ELSE'S COMMENTS!! If anyone can actually be bothered to post anymore! :P Ass-kickings will follow peeps! You have been warned!! :twisted:
New players
I'm certainly interested in seeing the actual character writeup for Sara, based on what I've seen so far. We have tended to shy away from having more 'witchy' characters, since for a time we had a preponderance of them, but I feel the time is definitely ripe for someone new, just coming into their powers. Assuming either Kate or Daye are in a position to do so by the end of Season 5, Sara's the sort of character they might take under their wing, offering a way for Sara to begin integrating into the WHs.
As for the Alessandra thing... it might not be so bad to keep that name for the twin sister. It's very rare that Alessa is referred to by her full name, and it looks like this npc's shortened version is Ali. And it could lead to another form of connection, if Sara's looking for an Alessandra and happens to stumble across Alessa as part of that search. It does depend on how much of a role Alessandra will be playing, however, and I guess the final decision on the name should be down to Ally.
New players
This thought did actually cross my mind too, I just um, forgot it when writing the above lol. I agree though that it could be an interesting way to introduce her, I'm just always mindful of situations that might become too confusing but if Ally is okay with it no problem... we'll just have to wait until she gets back from Montevideo.
New players
Have to echo that I like the idea of the Alessandra confusion as a way "in" - may or may not have been intentional on your part, but it does allow for some fun confusions. Though, of course, there may not (ultimately) be many people who actually know her as Alessandra... another thing we need to wait on Ally to check. :)
Personal curiosity: with the chest pains, is that somehow related to her powers, or just her having a problem? Either way it could be interesting, though I don't think there's anything in Buffy (enter quoting obscure fact #117 I've forgotten) to indicate a link between physical conditions & magic, but it could just be an out-of-the-ordinary occurance.
New players
Ok, Ally got back from Montevideo and found the thread. Seems you're waiting for my opinion, here :P .
Ok, about who knows Alessa's real name, most of the players, i remember Kate talking to Sindell about her as 'Alessandra Hunt'. Now, who actually calls her that... Morris used to, and so did Ernie, but well, Morris is insane, and Ernie's dead (Morris is also a vampire and a mage, Sara, so if you're thinking of turning her, you may be interested in that). The other person who sometimes calls her Alessandra is Ellis, to the rest of the world she's just Alessa, or Ally even, in Oz/Dave's case.
I dont really find it a problem that Sara's sister is an Alessandra, although it'll feel strange to read about another Alessandra in the game. However, her nickname seems to be Ali, and it could provide them a link, as some of you said, :wink:
Now, it may also happen that Sara didnt notice the similitude to another player character's name and now wants to change the sister's name, that's ok with me too.
That said, I like the character and i like her story and we desperately need new blood, so she has my vote.
New players
Hi guys,
Thanks for your votes of confidence!
I actually hadn't realised Alessa's full name was Alessandra, that said I wrote the piece ages ago, and kept the same names whilst tweaking it a bit to make it fit.
Well I am not really sure what happens next, so if someone wants to PM me/MSN me to let me know then that would be great.
A bit more about me, my real name is Heather (although I also go by Sara, Heva, Hev and 'Oi, you there'), I am 25 and live in Birmingham in the UK. I haven't really done any role-playing before, so please bear with me! I am a part-time student/part-time Admin Assistant, and although I usually have plenty of time on my hands, am a bit busy because I am in the process of buying a new house.
Anyway good to meet you all, and thanks for your comments.
New players
Aaahhhh! Another Heather! Shame that other Heather isn't still on the board, you guys could have formed an elite clique and taken over LABN like in that movie, you know, what's it called? Heathers? :twisted:
Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has pm'ed or e-mailed you so I'll reply briefly here. Basically what happens next is... you post!
You might want to start by reposting your character profile in the LABN Character Profile forum. This is where we link to the homepage so Dave can set up a nice fancy looking character page for you. After that I'd say jump straight in and start writing, we've not gone too far into Season Five (and there's a Timeline in the LABN Private Game Discussion forum if you want to check out events in the story so far. Have a little read if you want and then bring Sara to LA so we can all get to meet her! :D
Oh and also, don't forget to check out our other forums such as the Games thread and Entertainments sections - we don't just talk about Buffy and Angel ya know! :wink:
Good to have you on board!
New players
Yes, welcome! LABN is a fascinating and tidy place :) You'll lurve it here.