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More Things we Felt Compelled To share

James_Connor's picture
Posted in

If Star Wars were set in Glasgow...

Darth Vader would referred to as 'Auld Helmet Heid' or in moments of stress 'That Dome-Heided Basturd'.

Chewbacca would look roughly the same except he'd only be about 5ft tall, from Blackhill and called Shug. He'd have the same amount of body hair but would also have tattoos, would permanently smell of drink and sport a Celtic top.

Obi-Wan Kenobi would invariably be referred to as Chief or Big Yin by his cohorts. People trying to start a fight with him would address him as ****y-Nobby.

R2D2 would refuse to go out on the streets after 10pm because of the number of drunks who would try to stuff chip ****rs in his head casing or p*ss on him. He would also refuse to go near groups of wee boys at any time because of the high risk of being spray painted/dumped in front of a speeding train/set on fire.

Although proficient in over 3500 languages C3P0 would still be unable to understand anything anyone from the East End of Glasgow said. He would regularly get beaten up for being a 'greetin-faced poof fae Milngavie'.

The Millenium Falcon would have static strips, tinted windscreens and extra-flared exhaust ports. It would have a Daily Record I Love Scotland sticker in the back window and a saltire bumper sticker.

Princess Leia would get captured by Darth Vader because it's hard to run very fast when you're wearing 5 inch platform heels and a tiny silver mini-skirt which keeps hiking up over your **** every two steps. And you've been a heavy smoker since you were 6.

The best way to destroy the Death Star would not turn out to be a desperate all out attack. Two easy ways would be - alter its orbit so it passed through Bridgeton and tell the locals it was full of kafflicks, or - leave it unattended in Easterhouse.

Lines from the film as they would be uttered in the vernacular:-

Han Solo "I've got a real bad feeling about this"

"Ah'm ****in' ma sel' here boy"

"Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."

"Come right ahead then c**ts! Fight the f**ing lot o ye!"

"There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny." "

The Force?!! D'youse think ah came doon wi the rain?!"

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."

"Nae messin aboot wi the god squad and auld rubbish, wee man. Get yersel' a decent shooter"

Darth Vader trying to shoot down Luke Skywalker:

"The Force is strong in this one"

"Stop shooglin' ya wee b*stad!"

Princess Leia:

"You're a little short for a Stormtrooper aren't you?"

"Ah didny think they took short-erses in the polis?"

"This bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade."

"Wuv goat NAE chance in this pile o' sh*te"

Adm***l Motti:

"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader."

"You think you're that hard, Vader so ye do. Well we're no feart ae you!"

Obi Wan:

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force."

"F*** me! whit wiz aw that?"

Luke to the Emperor:

"Your overconfidence is your weakness."

"Oh ye bloody think so?, i'll make you feel the f***ing force pal!!"

More Things we Felt Compelled To share

Meredith Bell's picture



More Things we Felt Compelled To share

Heather's picture

Does that make it, like, extra cool, Lou? Maybe DOUBLE cool? :)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Thanks guys :D

And here's a little something I just found...

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Disposable_Hero's picture

More Things we Felt Compelled To share

Kaarin's picture

Convo with me and Heather. In response to me putting "taH pagh, taH be?"? in my MSN name....

Heather says:
So can you recite the rest of it, too? :)
Adam - "taH pagh, taH be?" says:
Oddly enough...
Adam - "taH pagh, taH be?" says:
taH pagh Tahbe' Dah mu'thlheghvam nIqelnIS.
quv'a', yabDaq SSan vaQ cha, pu' je SIQDI'?
Heather says:
Heather says:
You're a dag
Adam - "taH pagh, taH be?" says:
pagh, Seng biQ'a'Hey SuvmeH nuHmey SuqDI',
'ej, Suvmo', rInmoHDI'? Hegh. Qong --- Qong neH ---
'ej QongDI', tIq 'oyo', wa'SanID Daw''e' je
cho'nISbogh porghDaj rInmoHlaH net Har.
Adam - "taH pagh, taH be?" says:
yIn mevbogh mIwvam'e' wIruchqangbej.
Hegh. Qong. QongDI' chaq naj. toH, waQlaw' ghu'vam!
HeghDaq maQongtaHvIS, tugh nuq wInajlaH,
volchaHmajvo' jubbe'wI' bep wIwoDDI';
'e' wIqelDI', maHeDnIS. Qugh DISIQnIS,
SIQmoHmo' qechvam. Qugh yIn nI'moH 'oH.
Heather says:

More Things we Felt Compelled To share

Meredith Bell's picture

Uhl wrote:
Heather says:

...and so say all of us! :wink:

More Things we Felt Compelled To share

Allyana's picture

Well, on Tuesday night my city suffered strong winds - around 180 km/h - which, of course, meant great losses - among them hundreds of fallen trees, fallen electric wires, flown roofs... you picture it. Fortunately, my house was spared.

However, as a result we wont have light or water for a couple of days, maybe even till the weekend.

So i did the only reasonable thing. I run away. :roll:

I'm at my mom's in the capital city, and i wont go back home till the emergency situation is solved.

I wanted to explain my sudden online dissappearance. See you in a few days, guys. *waves*

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Kaarin's picture

hehe. Remind me of when Hurricane Isabelle hit.

Do we still have pictures of the tree through my house? :)

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Meredith Bell's picture

Just glad you and the girls are okay Ally, hope you get everything sorted out soon. :)

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MrDave's picture

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Heather's picture

Wow. Very cool. :)

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CryingKnight's picture

For those who like web games like Vampires! but would prefer something a little more sci-fi. I though I'd mention this

Taenaria Derivia Zallus Kitara

It probably involves a little more number crunching than some I've run across but it's fun

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MrDave's picture

I found this through del.icio.us and it seemed like an interesting "non-live" collaboration tool. Anyone care to give it a try?


Let us know so we can all join in.

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Heather's picture

Adam and I had a little play with Writely this afternoon. It has some interesting features and initially showed a lot of promise. The idea is that you can share a document on the web, so it's kind of like a hybrid of Word and the chatrooms. Since we copy from chatrooms into Word, it seems like the perfect solution.

Anyone registered as an author on the document can edit it, which means that editing on the fly in a collab should be possible. At the end of the whole deal, we'd have a document which everyone involved in the collab could just save to their harddrives and we'd all have the same edited copy without having to do file transfers or e-mails.

The problem comes in the execution, however.

When two people are editing at once (ie, 'live' as in a standard collab), it has a tendency to "forget" some of the edits as you go. I typed a bit, then Adam typed a bit which cut into the tail end of what I had typed. When I tried to move the last three words of my last sentence back up to where they belonged, they'd go there - for about three seconds. Then they'd jump back down to the bottom of Adam's text again.

Maybe it would work as a useful tool when two people can't be online at the same time to collab. Instead of writing a bit and e-mailing it to the other to add their bit, we could just leave it on Writely. But for real-time collabs it was just a bit too flaky. Mind you, some of the problems we had might have been due to us overlapping typing times.

To use it regularly, we might have to be especially rigorous in keeping hands away from the keyboard until we saw those >>> symbols.

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

I'm back in school and I loathe it. I was starting to do a Labn post when I realized I had to do my Spanish III homework. Spent four days doing that crap (sorry, Ally :oops: ) I will finish this post, damnit!

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MrDave's picture

CryingKnight wrote:
For those who like web games like Vampires! but would prefer something a little more sci-fi. I though I'd mention this

Taenaria Derivia Zallus Kitara

It probably involves a little more number crunching than some I've run across but it's fun


Something a little closer to LABN than Vampires!

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Kent's picture

I've been started on TDZK and it's fun! Urban Dead pisses me off, because I always make a character and eventually wake up and I'm dead--even when I'm in a secure locale, some ass opens the doors and lets floods of the undead in to feast on the sleeping! Then you're a zombie. GROAAAN!

I made 3 characters so far: Blotcho the soldier, Poisenne the NecroTech scientist, and Mr. Kent, the consumer who leapt to his death from some store window. How falling to your death makes you a zombie, I'll never know...

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Meredith Bell's picture

Kent wrote:
How falling to your death makes you a zombie, I'll never know...

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :mrgreen:

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Fileplanet have introduced this incredible new concept. For those not in the know, Fileplanet is (read: was) a great source for gaming. Demos, patches, mods, walkthroughs, cheats. You name it, Fileplanet has it for that game. Its also linked to the online gaming site Gamespy, the gaming news site IGN, etc, etc. For many gamers I know (including myself) it was our gaming Mecca (and just for the record, yes everything about Fileplanet is legal ;))

Before, Fileplanet used to operate a voluntary membership system. You a paid member? Great, for $6.95 a month or whatever you get to use the member's servers to skip the queues, download betas and other things not available to the general public, recieve HitPoints that build up to reward you with other downloads/special offers, etc, etc. Not a paying member? Okay, you gotta wait in line to download something on the public servers. Depending on how popular the file is, you could have a 5min+ wait time.

Now, unsurprisingly, I was one of those who wasn't a member. Meaning I used Fileplanet for demos, walkthroughs, articles, mods, patches, etc - the basic stuff - and I wasn't upset about having to wait for a bit to download it because I knew some stuff I couldn't find anywhere but on fileplanet (try searching for a Domion Wars 1.05 patch and see my point). All was fine and dandy.

But of course, there's this amazing new scheme. Now Fileplanet have decided that to download anything - whether it be a previously unreleased game or a simple official patch - you've gotta be a member. More, you've gotta be a paying member. Want that important Domion Wars 1.05 patch? Tough. The only place you can get it is on Fileplanet, and you've gotta pay $6.95 a month for it.

$6.95 a month? I know, not much eh? Its what...about £5 give or take. Still I'm against it on matter of principle. Any way to sqeeze an extra dime out of us, right? First they spend years building themselves up to be a great resource and then - when they have everything (including a lot of stuff other people don't) - they slap a fee on it all. Typical.

*Turns pointless rant mode to 'off'*

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Kaarin's picture

When did they decide that you have to be a paying member?

I was downloading things from their servers just last week, as a registered but unpaying member. Still have to wait in queques, though.

Just one little trick:

Click "login" and NOT "subscribe now." That will give you the option to create a new Gamespy ID (which is what Fileplanet runs on), without the worry about actually paying.

No strict fee on it all... just close to it.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Ah, then I retract my rant, and replace it with one about websites and mischevious people trying to cheat other people out of money :D

I don't know...throw some left-wing comment in about capitalism to make it work :P

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Heather's picture

Rather than send yet another copy of the same e-mail around to everyone who already has half a dozen copies, I'll just let you guys know here that I'm also Spongebob Squarepants. :)

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Meredith Bell's picture

Spoil sport :P

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Disposable_Hero's picture

For those gamers out there interested, the brand-spanking new Nintendo Revolution controller has been revealed and it looks...interesting to say the least. Like the author's of the article, I was sceptical at first, but they seemed to adjust well to to it. I suppose using it may take a little getting used to after having grown up with the SNES-N64-PS2 controllers but *shrugs* will just have to try it. My only concern is multi-player games. Could this style of controller kill off the 4-player split-screen? Hopefully Nintendo will have worked around this, but I can see 4 wireless remotes pointing at the screen creating some issues...

Then again, Nintendo really need to bring out something unique and incredible like this just to compete with Sony "We-Created-The-PlayStation-You-Don't-Stand-A-Chance" and Microsoft "Do-You-Know-How-Much-Money-We-Can-Pour-Into-This-Without-Breaking-A-Sweat?"

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MrDave's picture

If you have never read George Orwell's novel 1984 I strongly encourage you to do it. This is the complete unaltered text of the "book" at the end of the novel and in re-reading it it is as scary now as it was in 1948 when the book was published.

It is a little thick reading but worth the effort. Really. http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/go-goldstein.html

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Logan's picture


So thats how 80s cartoon characters party on a saturday night?!

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James_Connor's picture

o my fucking god that was amazing shuan

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Allyana's picture

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MrDave's picture

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Meredith Bell's picture

Hehe, that's really cool! :D

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Heather's picture

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MrDave's picture

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Heather's picture

:rollofl: 8O

That is so funny - and so scary at the same time (especially for Australia...) Do they actually TEACH geography in American schools??

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Kaarin's picture

Heather wrote:
:rollofl: 8O

That is so funny - and so scary at the same time (especially for Australia...) Do they actually TEACH geography in American schools??

Not anymore, no. You might pick up SOME of it, but if you do, it'll be from history class.

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Allyana's picture


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JimH's picture

I just got word that a paper I wrote for my International Human Rights class last term got "honourable mention" for the Faculty of Arts Essay Prize at York University and will be published in the spring :D

Oh, and I found this funny Yoda clip: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/yodarap.html :wink:

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Heather's picture

:champagne: Congratulations, Jim. :D

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Meredith Bell's picture

Yeah! Well Done Jim! :banguitar:

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JimH's picture

Thanks, ladies :D

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Kaarin's picture

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Meredith Bell's picture

Personally I love the customer review :lol:

***** Worth every penny, November 2, 2005
Reviewer: Randall Walker - See all my reviews

At first I was skeptical about spending FIVE AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS on an assortment of chocolates, but once I tasted them I knew it was money well-spent.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spend twenty-two million dollars on a cheeseburger I've had my eye on.

Sarcasm, thy name is Randall! :twisted:

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CryingKnight's picture

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