Submitted by MrDave on Sat, 01/25/2003 - 15:25
Posted in
Stalker wrote:
Yet another game. I'm going to list two different things, and you have to pick which one you like better. Then you have to list two new things for the next person.
(I'd type...)
Beer or Rum?
(the next person would post the one they like more! In my case...)
(and then post their question...)
Porche or BMW?
Okay lets start! My Question is...
Porche or BMW?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Next Question: Prison Rape or Brain Tumor
Stalker wrote:
Brain Tumor
Next Question: heaven or earth
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Health or happiness?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
OOOh tough one Heather - but I know first hand that if you don't have your health there's little chance of being very happy :(
so Health
how about something simple - Pepsi or Coca Cola :D
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Urgh - personally, I can't stand either. So I guess I'd choose Coke - I can clean the bathroom sink with it. :)
Willow & Oz, or Willow & Tara?
Mantheana wrote:
Willow and Tara. I like Oz, but he's overly sane. thats scarey. Plus that was mean Heather!
Oreos or Millies Cookies?
Daye wrote:
This is hard. What the heck is a Millies Cookie? Oh well. I absolutely detest oreos, so Millies Cookies, i guess, whatever they are.
Beach or Mountains?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Beach. The cool rocky shores of Humboldt county.
Sex or Romantic Love (without contact)
Stalker wrote:
ok, I know your not going to beleive me but I choose Romantic Love, sex can be had anytime but love thats hard to find.
Your Death or The Death of a loved one
Victor wrote:
My Death. Losing loved ones is very hard, and I've done my share. I am not afraid of death, but i am afraid of loss.
Happy Work or Unhappy Wealth
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Thought I don't know either, i choose Happy Work. *sigh* I'd love to be one of those people who've found his or her niche.
I'm already poor, so I know you can survive, barely.
I'm not even a "penniless sitar player." I wish I could play a sitar, heh.
A desert island of complete beauty while being alone or a combusted stinking filthy city with lots of friends.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh I'd love a penniless Sitar player, Oh sorry, yeah I'd prefer to live in a combusted stinking filthy city with lots of friends - loneliness is a curse and would slowly drive you mad.
okay, urm, how about....
Being Pretty but hated by everyone OR being ugly and popular?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
(jeez Greg, and evil game you started.)
Well, I'd choose pretty and hated.
If i'm pretty, I will be seen eventually by someone worth knowing.
I hope.
Great musician or Great Drawer? (not as tough)
Daye wrote:
Great musician. I would love to be able to play an instrument or even to sing. I am terrible, tone deaf and flat as all get out.
Lose your sight or your hearing?
Victor wrote:
Lose my hearing. Without my sight I could not funtion, I'd be totally lost. I could at least compensate for the loss of hearing.
Fight or Flight?
Parasol wrote:
Fight, I'm afraid. I'm a "stand your ground" kinda chick.
Breast or thigh?
Poultry, you pervs.
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Definately thigh...or leg/drumstick as i preffer to call it. Easier to eat...plus you get a minature club to bash or throw at people when you've finished :D
book or movie?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Nobody can do special effects like your own brain.
The house is burning and you can rescue one person, so...
Save your life partner, or save your sibling? (And I know that's a nasty one - I'd hate to have to make that choice. I originally put partner or child, but figured that was too easy. :crazyeyes: )
Jadyn wrote:
sibling. maybe this is becos i'm not married yet and i'm exceptionally close to my brother. the way i see it, he can't be replaced, a husband can. :?
ok... my turn... an easy one. ice cream - macadamia chocolate or cookies n cream? :D
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, very easy. HAS to be macadamia chocolate.
Living in the city, or living in the country?
Galen Eldridge wrote:
Living in the city. The country has quite so loud, it keeps you awake for hours on end. :)
Intellectual beauty or physical beauty?
Jadyn wrote:
physical beauty. *grins*
what is intellectual beauty anyway? being smart or being nice? call me shallow but i realise that i don't have to be THAT smart to get ahead in this world. just a modicum of common sense and knowing how to take the initiative gets me further than all the brains in the world sometimes...
as for being nice... well, i've been called a bitch more often than i can count but it doesn't bother me. *shrugs* no matter how nice u are, someone always finds a reason to hate u anyway. and of course, i kinda like being a bitch. *rolls eyes and grins again*
say u were suffering from a horribly disfiguring terminal illness... would u rather die surrounded by friends and family or alone so no one could see u suffer and wither away? (this is an evil one, i know...)
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Intellectual beauty, every time. The shell is just that - a shell.
DOH! April answered it first... Ah, well - I'll answer hers, then.
Hmm, toughie. But much as it would be painful for them to watch, I think my family would prefer to be with me until the end. And I would hate to die alone under such circumstances. So, surrounded by family and friends.
Comfort or fashion?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fashion!!! Everytime! Which doesn't do any good for my poor feet I can tell you! Or being freezing cold on a Saturday night because I decided to wear the little strappy dress WITHOUT a jacket (well it ruined the look of the outfit) what can i say? Sometimes you have to put up with a little discomfort to look good - why else would women wear bras in the first place? OUCH!
Okay, Summer or Winter?
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Is this a trick question :? SUMMER :D give me the sun and the surf! although i do like winter, that's good for snowboarding, although i'm usually rugging up for warmth...which i get automatically in summer, not to mention the ability to walk around half naked without being frowned upon :mrgreen:
McDonalds or KFC (i dont even know why i thought of this one :roll: )
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, dead easy. SUMMER!!!! Hate the cold... brrr.
Goddam! Got pipped at the post again. What is this, a conspiracy???? :fist:
Fine, fine... Well, given that it's the lesser of two evils - but not by much - I'll have to go with KFC.
PC or Mac?
Parasol wrote:
PC. There's the available software issue and my stake in WORLD DOMINATION by MicroSoft -- Mwahahahaha. (Mutual Funds!)
Cats or Dogs.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Cats! No wait Dogs! No... Cats! urm, yeah cats in the long run they don't require as much attention as a dog so yeah, cats... but i love dogs too... :?
Choose the lesser of two evils -
Doctor's Appointment or Dentist Appointment?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Doctor's appointment.
Choose the GREATER of two evils... :D
Politicians or Lawyers?
Mantheana wrote:
oooh. lawyers. my reasoning being that even if they are evil, they can still get you outa shite (for a nominial(!) fee). Where as politicians only ever seem to create shite or get countries into shite. so yeah, lawyers...
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? (films)
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, Lord of the Rings, without a doubt.
Better comedian:
Rowan Atkinson or Billy Connelly?
Victor wrote:
Rowan Atkinson without a doubt. He has much more universal appeal, Billy Connelly seems to be very culturally based (but is still very funny)
Faith or Facts?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
I have to go with Facts on this one. I find it very hard to take things on faith - give me proof.
Friends or Family?
Daye wrote:
Ooooh, you're evil. My friends are like my family. Still, I have to say family. (under duress, mind you.)
Halloween or Christmas?
Victor wrote:
I am not a Christmas kinda guy. I enjoy christmas, but the chance to fress up and make a silly ass of yourself, and then its all over the next day. Wonderful. Beats the weeks leading into and out of the christmas season.
Art or Music
Daye wrote:
Music, has to be music. It's such an integral part of my life, right?
ok, so...
train or boat?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Equally evil, Kris. I love travelling by train, but I also love boats (sailboats, not the yukky noisy kind.) I think, on the balance of things, that I'll go with:
LABN or Real Life? :D
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Real Life.
(Of course, I found real life on LABN.)
Nostalgia or Science Fiction?
Victor wrote:
Science Fiction which is for me nostalgic because the stuff I have read has coincided with so many events in my life.
Death or Cake (no wait that's an Eddie Izzard routine...what I meant was...)
Death or Taxes
Daye wrote:
That just sucks, Dave, as both are inevitable. So, I will go with ... uhm ... taxes, I guess. It's only money, after all.
Buffy or Angel?
Galen Eldridge wrote:
Buffy. Can't stand Angel. :P
Poor but Wise or Rich but Foolish?
Victor wrote:
Ooh...I have to get in on this action first...
Buffy without whom Angel would have been another Forever Knight knockoff.
Rats! Claim jumped!
Poor but Wise. Because I have already had the Rich but Foolish bit, and it always winds up as poor but wise
Internet or Television?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Buffy! Always Buffy - although Angel's just starting to get good.... but Buffy has more hunks like Giles *sighs* and Xander and Oz and SPIKE hmmm, Spike... hmmm
Oh jeez Dave you beat me! Grr... I was thinking too long about Spike... hmmmmm and Giles.. hmmmmm *snaps out of it*
Okay, urm, TV it was my first love, and you know you can use the internet on you TV and, urm also, tv on your PC, where's the difference???
In answer to Adam's question I'd have to say Rich and Foolish - that way i get to stay the same but have money too! :D
Bronzed and Beautiful or Pale and Interesting?
Victor wrote:
Ugh. Tough one, Lou!
I know plenty of Bronzed and Beutiful people who are interesting. I also know plenty of pale and interesting people who are beautiful. BUT given my druthers, I'd say pale and interesting.
Thats what most of my friends are anyway.
Technology or Magic?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
i'd have to say magic, just because the belief in magic would give me something to believe in that is higher than myself. Whereas technology has it's limits it is always bound by the intelligence and ingenuity of man. Magic is in the hands of the gods and so is limitless in its possibilities.
Imagination or Reason?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Reason! (I've got imagination, and it ain't all it's cracked up to be.)
Also, I'd say magick and technology are the same thing. We just haven't explained magick yet. We've explained technology. (Not that I believe in magick of course, ahem)
Blowing a booger on your shirt during a job interview
Farting loudly while making a speach to a room full of people
Victor wrote:
I'll take the fart anyday. Standing in front of a crowd is embarassing enough, farting is just icing on the cake. And who knows? I might really need that job.
Finding $10.00 in your pocket
Finding $10.00 on the street
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Good one Dave, i'd have to say, finding $10 in my pocket - although that would be weird, finding American money in my pocket and never having been there. But if I found the money on the street, sure i';d be chuffed, but then the guilt would set in that it belonged to someone else and that I had 'stolen' it and should hand it in.. Oh the guilt! :angel:
Work with Animals or Children?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick!!! Animals, of course.
Okay, I already know my answer, but this one's good for you potential parents our there, and I assume we're all faithful by nature. So this should be tough.
Daye wrote:
Not so tough for the ladies. Just kidding, Sid. This is a really awful question to be honest. I would have to say, ugh...the vasectomy is such a major thing, but better than being a betrayer, right?
Lestat or Armand?
Jadyn wrote:
lestat. armand's always freaked me out... he's so young and so twisted. (except for the time he was played by antonio bandares in the movie of "interview with a vampire"... i like bandares but how weird was that man?!)
ok... here's mine...
would u prefer a marriage where u have
- fantastic sex but no love or
- true love but absolutely no sex?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Despite the general impression that I'm sex-obsessed, I would choose
True Love with No Sex.
Sex without love is hollow and meaningless - essentially it becomes partnered masturbation. It's the depth of emotion that brings life to sex.
So, how about...
Six months living like James Bond, or 50 years living like Homer Simpson?
Parasol wrote:
James Bond!! Absolutely. Excitement!!! Adventure!!!
Ok. I'm the one who's the perv now. You young kids, close your eyes while the geezer of the board obsesses.
On top or on bottom.
Jadyn wrote:
on top. and that applies to everything. *grin*
peanut butter or marmalade?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Peanut butter, but only if it's crunchy.
Never being able to watch Buffy again (including the upcoming Season 7), or never being able to watch anything BUT Buffy?
Stalker wrote:
hmmm considering I don't watch tv much at all (exept to watch videos) hmm I don't really know I'd say never being able to watch BtVS cause then there is also Angel and I wouldn't wanna miss that either and plus I can also catch up with everything BtVS on the net.
So to recap my answer is Never being able to watch Buffy again.
Killing one person you love and then being caught (you go to jail for 50 years) or Killing fifty people you don't know and not being caught (everyone knows you did it but you run away to a carrabien island and live in luxury)
Tarix Conny wrote:
Killing one person I love and getting caught. This is because I would probably be going through hell anywayz for killing the one person I love so I might as well do it in prison for 50 years then have the death of 50 people on my consious and living in luxury even though i'd be going through hell!
To love the one person you ever love in the world and lose them and never love anyone ever again or never having to love at all!
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh this is too easy and i am a total slave to romance here. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The heart is there to be broken (unfortunately) I would rather meet THE ONE and loose him than never know what it feels like to have that kind of love.
Whom do you love more, Mom or Dad?
Stalker wrote:
That's not even a question I love them both thats like asking what do you like red or red there is no answer my answer will have to be Dad though because I hate it when people write 'mom' it's not mom its mum I love my mummy and I love my daddy and I miss my dad so much I wish he was still alive but I don't have magic, so wishes don't mean squat.
Which would you prefer:
smoking, lung cancer and death at the age 49 or not smoking, a long life and a happy family and not leaving your whole family without YOU
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Bit of a no-brainer, especially for me (major asthmatic, so can't take other peoples' smoke, let alone trying it for myself... I'd be dead already).
So, definitely NOT smoking, etc... :D
Favourite starship captain:
James T Kirk, or Jean-Luc Picard?
Stalker wrote:
Jean-Luc Picard only because I think he is a beter actor
knowing when your going to die or not knowing when your going to die
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Ignorance is bliss - I'd prefer not to know.
Gonna have to be a three parter here (this, that or the other) - Favourite ORIGNAL Star Wars movie:
A New Hope OR The Empire Strikes Back OR Return of the Jedi?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Empire Strikes Back all the way not contest make it my epitath.
Han was at his coolest, Leia was at her sexiest, and Luke was still green around the balls, so to speak, and John Williams was at his musical peak.
The music can make me cry.
Also, if I may backtrack:
I'd choose Homer Simpson. I was homer when I was married and I loved life. Hard to love me, but I loved life.
I'd choose to be on the bottom as the girl is having fun, because I'm lazy as long as things are working like clockwork (why fix them), and breasts in your face are just lovely, and you can carress her like a work of art in the meantime, and .... *ahem*. Okay...
I'd choose Jean-Luc anyday. Whoo, i want that man for my dad!
Next question:
Get to spend AS LONG AS YOU WANT in a passionate relationship with a person you couldn't normally (or realistically) be with--anyone, either living or dead, or famous or only famous to you
Win thirty million dollars.
Galen Eldridge wrote:
Definately the former, simply because ultimately living a good life has nothing to do with the money you have or the things you acquire.
Alright, an easy one now:
Marx Brothers or Abbott & Costello? :D
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Sorry. I have to answer this one, though i've said this before, and rudely, I might add.
Marx Brothers! Geniuses. Friggin' geniuses.
That means I have to ask again:
Tarix Conny wrote:
Simpsons, definitly, I don't like Seinfield.
An emmotional wound to the heart or physical wound to the heart?
Parasol wrote:
Emotional wound. God knows I can survive that. Physical is iffy. Survival is a strong word in my vocabulary.
Something a bit less trying -- and again, excuse my geezerness.
Gladys Knight or Aretha Franklin or Dusty Springfield.
Victor wrote:
Aretha may be the queen, but Dusty stole my heart. I'd take Dusty.
While we are on a Geezerfest...
Grateful Dead
Rolling Stones
Jadyn wrote:
i would have to say the rolling stones since i never listened to grateful dead.
ok... here's a toughie. jude law or hugh jackman? *biiiiiiig grin* :wink:
Natasha Brookes wrote:
April, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You cow....
Can I have them both??
Purely on the basis that he'd have an accent that wasn't strange, I'd have to go for Hugh Jackman (sorry, Dave...).
Angel or Angelus?
Derek Park wrote:
Angel. If it wasn't for Angel, Joss Whedon's spin-off show wouldn't be popular right now... Well, at least I think...
Tupac or Biggie or Eminem?
Parasol wrote:
'Pac -- definitely!! He turns circles around the other two, in my opinion.
Which is more romantic:
Candlelight or firelight.
Victor wrote:
I'd have to go with firelight. Nothing quite like watching an open fire.
Besides I like watching the smoke from burning houses.
Lets see...
Two can play at this game...
Nicole Kiddmann or Angie Everhardt
Derek Park wrote:
Um, I choose Nicole Kidman because I know more of her than Angie.
Buffy, Faith, or Kendra?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Ooh, a toughie... they're all so different.
There are things about all three of the characters that I like, but on the whole I'd have to say Faith. Even though she became a psycho-looney (or should that be because she became a psycho-looney?).
To never take a human life directly, or to kill one person in cold blood for the chance to save ten?
Stalker wrote:
easy answer 'to kill one person in cold blood' I'd like to know what thats like oh yeah and the saving people stuff is a bonus.
500 billion dollars or a new pair of shoes
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
500 billion dollars :mrgreen: because then i'd still be able to buy shoes afterwards with my many many moneys
Blow up all McDonalds
Blow up all Polititians
if either one wont get you in jail
(im sensing a pattern here on choices of death :? )
Stalker wrote:
mcdonalds cause I eat at Hungry Jacks and I don't see anything wrong with polititions (thays probably cause I'm drunnk)
the chance to wipe off the face of the earth:
lycra or cordiroy
Natasha Brookes wrote:
I think corduroy would have to go first.
The 70's or the 80's?
Stalker wrote:
the 70's cause it's closer to 60's and the 60's look like they were so fun
clean shaven or stuble or goatie or full beard
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well now, there's a question.
To be honest, I generally go for clean-shaven, and I think that'll have to be my answer. But recently I've developed a fondness for the goatee.... :wink:
To follow the theme:
Women wearing makeup, or fresh faced?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Fresh-faced, fresh-faced, fresh-faced! Glamor can actually gross me out. A girl should be a girl, and THAT'S sexy.
By the way, Greg, "500 Billion Dollars or a new pair of shoes"? 8O hehehehhehehehehaahahhahahahahehehhehehehhahahhahahahah.
How ridiculous. I loved it. Wish I could have answered. I'd have taken the new pair of shoes, because who else would?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Mania, always wondered what it would be like to be crazy, and since half the time I suffer from depression I can say that it isn't any fun. Being crazy would be fun, for me, i'd get to talk to myself in public and talk nonsense... Hey wait a minute this all sounds eeriely familiar.... :D
Cross your heart and hope to die OR Stick a needle in your eye?
Tarix Conny wrote:
Cross my heart and hope to die.
To live a very happy and joyful life and die an unkown death or to live an unhappy and miserable life and die a heroic and living on as a legend death?
Galen Eldridge wrote:
Happy and joyfull but dieing an unknown death, for living a good life has nothing to do with how long or how many people remember you. To paraphrase Seneca's play analogy, it matters not how many people remember the play but how well the acting.
Greek or Chinease food? :)
Daye wrote:
Uhm...Greek, but it was a tough choice. Really tough.
I want to answer like a dozen of the previous ones too.
But I will refrain.
So, to marry and then meet your soulmate, or never to have met your soulmate at all.
Victor wrote:
I am going to answer this and spare the lot of you the pain and anguish of brutal truth.
The former. I would rather marry and find my soulmate afterwards, becasue never knowing the person you were destined to be with is a lonely lonely existance,. And who knows the person you married might have been a wonderful mate as well. Two loves in a lifetime isn't a bad thing.
Good or Evil
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Actually it didn't seem that tough a decision to me Dave, I would have chosen to meet my soul mate under ANY circumstances. A connection like that can't be ignored.
I would have to go for Good, I might have been tempted with Bad, but evil, evil is just plain unkind!
And that reminded me of some Shoe Philosopy I want to share with y'all.... sit down and get comfy -
Shoe designer Christian Louboutin's 5 essential shoes -
1: A pair of kitten heeled mules for running errands in during the day
2: A pair of high heeled mules for showing off them calves and ankles at night
3: A pair of thigh high boots in PVC for falling in love (obviously too much Pretty Woman)
4: A pair of high heels for good girls to go to heaven - round toe, matt fabric
5: A pair of high heels for bad girls to go anywhere - pointy toe in leather
Okay that's it - back to the game...
Keeping in line with all that...
Killer High Heels or Flatter than flats?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
I have to say, given the extreme lower back pain from killer high heels, these days I tend to go for flats. Though on occasion I still break out the 3-inch stilettos. :)
And even though we're not supposed to go back, I have to answer Kris' choice.Quote:So, to marry and then meet your soulmate, or never to have met your soulmate at all.
Most of you know my current circumstances and how I got there... so for me the answer is definitely to marry and then meet your soulmate. Despite the emotional roller coaster of splitting up with my husband, I wouldn't change a single thing on the road that led me to Dave. The thought that I might have lived my entire life never knowing he was out there is just too horrible to contemplate.
OK, enough soppy stuff. My question...
Fact, or fantasy?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Fact! (at least the facts that we all accept as true, because facts change)
Living in fantasy if fun until you have to be a memeber of the real world. Then it's just lonely. I'm the little boy who never stopped dreaming.
Means of death:
Drinking Bleach in front of your mother
Getting your foot cut off with a chainsaw and then bleeding to death.
Stalker wrote:
it depends weather Getting your foot cut off with a chainsaw and then bleeding to death is done acidentaly or not if it's me that did it by acident then yes that's the answer but if it's some mass murderer who is then going to place me in some strange position or bury me, I'd rather let my mum watch me drink bleach but it all depends on why I'm doing thoughs things, actually,I'm facinated why would someone drink bleach? (they'd have to be pretty stupid) I mean it doesn't even taste nice and it burns all the way down!
a chance to kiss:
Adolf Hitler or Josph Stalin
Mantheana wrote:
Stalin. it took alot of thinking to get there. I hate both of them. Plus ti would be the kiss of death anyway, and i'd only do it to get close enough to kick him in the balls, but hey, whatcha gonna do?
how to dispose of the bodies?
chains & weights at the bottom of the sea/lake/puddle/other quantity of water.
burning the bodies and then putting their ashes in a sack and burying this in the swamp.
(just had to do a follow up on sids happy post.)
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Gee how sunny and bright we are today! :roll: Oh well I think I'd let you sleep with the fishes! :D
Hmm, okay, which would you prefer to be:
Geek or Freak?
Mantheana wrote:
FREAK! and proud of it. In being one already, I'd much prefer it to being a geek.
listening to music at the mo so....
System of a Down
Jessica Travers wrote:
I like them both but gonna have to say System of a Down...unless I have a headache then they just make it way worse.
If someone's really anoying you do you....
Hit them on the head with a baseball bat or shove them in a shoe box?
Mantheana wrote:
OOOOOOH! SHOO BOX! you should know of all people alice!
one for man and laydies alike...
Trousers (pants for all you americans)
Jessica Travers wrote:
Trousers definalty.
You want to buy the Buffy Season 6 box sets but only have enough money for one do you...
Buy 6.1 which has the musical or 6.2 which has the finale?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Would you rather:
Get to talk on MSN with the other players
Post in the Forum
Stalker wrote:
I don't really like talking on msn everyone is to fast at typing and I can't get a word in edgways but I like the forum I visit it every day (even though I don't have much time to read it all)
to die young or live forever
Parasol wrote:
Die young. Just contemplating living forever gives me the ooglies.
The right path to destruction
The wrong path to nirvana.
Victor wrote:
The wrong path to Nirvana.
Lord knows I have taken my share of wrong turns, but I honestly beleive that God whats what is best for us. He just has a different perspective on how that is to be achieved. I trust him to stear through all the rough stuff becasue the reward is (i hear) very worth it.
Soup or Salad
Parasol wrote:
I am a soup nut. There used to be a restaurant here in LA called Menagerie that had the richest, warmest, most comfort-food like soups imaginable. They had a cream of wild mushroom soup that would make you beat your mama. Sadly, it is now defunct.
Van Gogh or Monet.
Tarix Conny wrote:
Get stabbed into back by the one you love or stab the one you love in the back?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, Geez. Saadia, that one's truly evil. 8O
Hmm, having been both a stabbee and a stabber in the past, I'd have to say that being the stabbee actually hurts less. So I'd choose being stabbed in the back by the one I love.
Now for something more mundane:
Pasta or risotto?
Mantheana wrote:
Pasta. our house is the land of pastaness. plus i don't like risotto. on the subject of food....
Indian take away
Chinese take away?
Tarix Conny wrote:
hmm...not that difficult for me as I am always having Indian type food at home (pakistani and indian food are different in ways but similar in other ways....if you are confused go out and try some Pakistani and then some Indian food..), so I'll choose chinese takeaway.
Bad breath from eating tasty spagetty with a tint of garlic in it or really nice breath from eating mint leaves?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, I'm a garlic fiend, so I'd have to go for the tasty spagetti - and forget the 'tint'. Stick heaps in for me! If I'm feeling nice, I'll have a tic-tac afterwards.
Getting drunk on spirits, or getting drunk on wine?
Stalker wrote:
sparkling white wine for me any day
runners/trainers or work boots
Anonymous wrote:
'Independace Day' or 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'
Sorrow wrote:
Oooops :oops: :oops:
That was me
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Oh, God. No contest at all. The Day the Earth Stood Still. Geez, did you even have to ask??
Be able to achieve true world peace but at the expense of the lives of everyone you personally know and love, or leave the world as it is and keep your loved ones?
Mantheana wrote:
Heather your questions are majorly evil.
Sam Aubrey wrote:
"Leave the world as it is and keep your loved ones."
Sorry. It's just that there is no such thing as world peace, and if there was, we'd be bored and have nothing to write about.
But it was a nice thought.
Choose your death:
1) Simple. Right now. No pain.
2) Base it on skill. Every day, for as long as you can keep it up, you must throw a dart at a dart board. You start out right at the face of the dart board; you can simply press the tip in. But the next day, you must step back from that spot by 1 inch. The day after that, another inch. And another inch the day after that. There is no limit to how far back you can get, but there is a limit to how far you can throw, of course. The first time you completely miss the dart board, you suffer five seconds of the most hideous pain imaginable. Then you die with poop in your drawers.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Oh save me from playing an eternity of darts and KILL ME NOW!!!
Blondes or Brunette's? ;)
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Tarix Conny wrote:
Starving to death or eating to your death.
Mantheana wrote:
oooh. eating to my death.... something like genocide by chocolate. yummy. okies...
more afraid of....
Tarix Conny wrote:
I like spiders and clowns, so this is a hard one for me... hmm...let see, I'd say clowns...
Getting marooned on an Island for 40 years or getting a kiss from a spider (on the lips)
Mantheana wrote:
well that utterly depends on whether
a) its a nice island. and whether i can have a happy volleyball friend like Tom Hanks did
b)its a nice spider. I personally think terantula's are cool and moneyspiders are cute so i really don't know.
I'd probably go for a nice island.
would you rather have...
Sam Aubrey wrote:
WINGS! (that would be so cool)
A life with ONLY:
Mom and Grandma and your sister and your aunt
Dad and Grandpa and your brother and your uncle.
Not all may apply, so choose which MOST suits you.
Mantheana wrote:
the female answer. i love both my parents, but I only have one grampa who is mean and evil (and tells me stories about drunk faeries) and I don't have a brother, and i am only closse to one of my uncles.. so it would have to be sister (but which one?) aunt and gran.
be a ....
or a
(wings rock. it is one of my many abitions to get some giant wings grafted onto my shoulder blades. but this is the same group of ambitions that include having a blood transfusion in a mosh pit...)
Daye wrote:
I have to say Giraffe. Why would I want to be inanimate fruit that will either be eaten or rot very quickly. Besides, that long neck thing is sort of cool.I feel the need to answer the wings vs. gills question, although it should be obvious. Wings, wings, wings, for the love of God, WINGS!!!!
That was just horrid. What a terrible thought. Forget the joy of flying, why would anyone want gills!!!
Ok, Would you rather...
Live in constant pain, surrounded by love?
Spend your life totally alone, but at peace?
Victor wrote:
Wings without a doubt wings. Had to throw that in.
I would take peace and lonliness over pain and love. I had peace and lonliness and its not that bad. But all the love in the world could not overcome pain. It makes it easier, but in the end the pain always wins.
sorry that was a downer...
Lets see...You are given a superpower...any super power.
would you...
accept it if it meant you'd be different and despised
reject it even though you would never get the chance again.
Sam Aubrey wrote:
I'll take the super power! Which one did I get?
When the chips are down, which super hero/heroin do you want on your side?
1) Lola (from Run Lola Run)
2) Ash (from the Evil Dead movies)
Personally, I'd choose Lola. She is without a doubt the best girlfriend anyone has ever had. What a woman! And, Dave, for your question, my super power would be either her Supershriek or her ability to change lives by running by people at super speed.
Still...ash is nothing to scoff at.
Daye wrote:
Oh, Ash, definitely Ash. I secretly want to bear Ash's love child. *sigh*
Would you rather eliminate all weapons of mass destruction and be enslaved by alien overlords
destroy the world in one, fiery, glorious bang?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Since I'm already enslaved by the social bonds of our governement and upbringing, it isn't so bad. Maybe i'd have to polish the occasional tentacle, but hey, who am I to argue? I'm just a floor mat.
I choose to worship our new alien overlords. *shrug* It's a living.
Kristy Swanson
Sarah Michelle Gellar
(I think I know the answer to come, but maybe there's someone out there who will agree with me.)
Parasol wrote:
SMG to my dyin' day. I can't tell you how many times I've been watching her do her thing and sat weeping in my chair, going "I know, girl; I know." The last episode of of S2, "Becoming" for glaring example.
Choose the lesser of two vapids and say why:
Matt Damon
Ben Affleck
Jadyn wrote:
ben affleck... no 2 ways about it. damon annoys me, for some reason... i find him doofy looking. a bit like a mark mahlberg lookalike who can't quite make the cut... :roll:
strawberries and cream or chocolate ice cream with hot fudge?
Tarix Conny wrote:
oh man, this one is difficult, hmmmmmmmm....I'll take chocolate icecreem with hot fugde (YUMMY, I am hungry).... :popcorn: (I just had to use that tee hee, ok)
Die to win or live to lose?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Live to Lose. *sigh*
(and as far as the SMG question, I've just got to say this, and I know I'm going to get tomatoes thrown my way: she's NOT the best thing since sliced bread. Sometimes i wonder if Sarah Michelle Gellar can even act. I watch the show for everyone BUT her. Okay, she's better than DAWN...and she has some really good moments. I don't hate her. But she's not my favorite.)
Thanks for listening. I willingly accept my tar and feathering. *Brrr! He doesn't like Sarah Michelle Gellar? Get him!*
A DVD with:
1) At least three different commentaries: (for instance: Director's, Actor's, and Special Effects Team's)
2) Loads of deleted scenes
But not both.
Derek Park wrote:
Definitely commentaries. I don't like deleted scenes that much.
(A little fantasy here...)
SMG w/ James Marsters
SMG w/ David Boreanaz
(This might be a dumb one... :oops: )
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Damn it! Why can't it be Spike and Louisa?? or even better Giles and Louisa... hmmm.... okay, gone to happy place...
I'd have to choose SMG and David Boreanaz, just so that James Marsters would still be available and my young girlish heart could still dwell in the land of fantasy.... hmmmm :Fade-color
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein OR Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Frankenstein. Tragedy, tragedy.
Old man (paraphrased): "These beautiful people. Why are you not with them now?"
The monster: "Because I am so very...ugly."
:cry: baaaaahwaaaaaabaaaaaaaah!
Makes me cry.
Okay, since we're in our happy places now:
If Sid (that is, me) were to get a part as a love interest in Season 7, which would you most like to see? (um, or which would annoy you the least?):
1) Sid marries Anya
2) Sid turns Willow from lesbianism.
Daye wrote:
I have to vote for Willow, because I just love Anya and Xander as a couple. I was very miffed when the wedding fell apart. They are like my holdout hope for happily ever after.
Would you rather...
Be able to eat for the rest of your life one thing you love the taste of
Be able to eat anything you like, but be unable to taste any of it?
Anonymous wrote:
Be able to eat for the rest of my life one thing I love the taste of, I mean what's the fun of life if you are going to be able to eat anything and not be able to taste it, you might as well be eating hay, or grass....
Be a success in life
Get the girl of your dreams.
Tarix Conny wrote:
That was me above, again :oops: (dont you just hate it when your login timesout! :oops:
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Girl of my dreams.
I've given up a LOT for girls that I thought were, at the time, the girl of my dreams. And I probably won't change my ways. *sigh sigh sigh*
Some people never learn.
1) To have real purpose and never know it
2) To have no purpose, but think you do.
Victor wrote:
Ignorance can be a purpose. I'd take the Have a purpose and not know it. I feel like that many many times, and am usually comforted when in retrospect my life has affected positive change in others.
On the prior ToT, I'd take the girl over success. A true girl of MY dreams would be an asset to my life and would help me succeed rather than being a drain on me. (and you are, dear...an asset that is. Shutting up now)
Puke Yellow or Avocado Green
Sam Aubrey wrote:
That made me hungry. Avocado green! Avocado green!
1) Victor and Jade*
2) Sorrow and Tash*
* catch: Heather, Dave, Robin, April...you are each barred from answering this one! Heh heh heh!
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Sid, you are an evil, evil bastard. I'll let you know my answer after someone else has responded... :x
Sam Aubrey wrote:
I repeat:
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Does this get to be my last evil deed? Mwahahahah Mwaha Mwahahahahaha *ahem*
Urm, seems to be Tash already has the upper hand here, having shagged Victor like crazy, tongued Sorrow, and almost having a homo-erotic relationship with Jade... OKAY Heather you can't kill me!! I won't be here! HA *smothers evil laughter*
I suppose on that basis I'd have to go for Victor and Jade - but just for laughs really, I'd like to see how long the tintsy 5'4" Jade could stand 6'2" Victor/Vrithetek without becoming pancake girl! ;)
Home or Away?
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Now there's a knotty question for me these days. Generally, while I love going away on trips, I love my home and always look forward to coming back. Except now I have a reason to NOT come back home. Though, on the basis that 'home is where the heart is' I guess I'll still have to choose home.
And for yours, Sid, I don't think I could bear to see Victor with anyone else, so I'd have to say Tash and Sorrow... though right now she's just as likely to scratch out his eyes.
Be with the one you love, or the one who loves you?
Victor wrote:
That's a deceptively hard question. Having just dressed someone down for being unable to accept love...i know that its tough to love yourself sometimes. I would not be where I am if I didn't...
And if I didn't love myself, then I would find it impossible to love anyone else the way they need to BE loved. So I will take be with the one you love and hope and pray that means I love myself too.
Hm...that gives me an idea...
Parasol wrote:
One who loves me...had waaaay too much of the other sort.
*Flashes back to the dreg of humanity who was engaged to another woman at the same time he was engaged to me. Sniff, sniff. That was 10 years ago...let it go, Sherl...let it go.*
Paid every two weeks
Paid twice a month.
Parasol wrote:
Fine!!!! Got scooped.
Paid every two weeks
Paid twice a month.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Well, there's not a lot to choose between the two... pretty similar time frames. Hell, I'd be happy to get a regular pay. I never know from week to week how much I'm going to earn. I used to be on fortnightly pay when I was a wage slave, so I guess once every two weeks is fine.
You're given $30,000 to spend on one of two things. Would you:
Buy a new car, or go on a long holiday?
Jadyn wrote:
since i don't have a driving lic, i would definitely choose going on a long holiday. probably back to melbourne, where i'd stay till my boyfriend graduated and came back to singapore with me :wink:
sid - u are an eviiiiiiiiiiiil person... ahahahaha... i just burst out laughing when i read ur question. the people in my office now think i'm totally insane and in dire need of psychiatric help. *rolls eyes*
i'd have to say that i'm for the jade and victor option... don't think i'd be able to bear it if tash ended up with sorrow. *wince* one option i'd like to see though, would be a victor and sorrow thingie. wahahahaha!
ur ideal date would be:
1) snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter
2) an idyllic afternoon totally alone by the beach with warm breezes
Tarix Conny wrote:
Oh, oh, snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter *sigh*......
locked in a room with someone you hate for the rest of your life
locked in a room with someone you love BUT with a solid wall dividing you both for the rest of your life.
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
As tempting as they both are involving warmth and all, mmm... i'd have to choos an idyllic afternoon totally alone by the beach with warm breezes...less clothing 8)
evil puppies
evil kitties
by the by, i promise i'll think of a better one next time...but i had a conversation yesterday about evil puppies, tehe :twisted:
Stalker wrote:
evil puppies that would be funny to watch a lil' pup malling a big dog hehe
ummm now okay gotta ask a question okay now I'm gonna ask it so get ready ummm
you spend 100 dollars on lotto tickets an check them the next night when it's on tv then ... Yippiiiieeee ... you've won 30 million dollars! what do you do?
hide the ticket under your bed and hope to god noone finds it
run around town waving the ticket in peoples faces screaming 'I've won! oh my god I've won! heheheheheeee' then dart off in the other direction to scream it into someone elses face.
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Hide the ticket under your bed and hope to god no one finds it! (And then secretly take a portion of it to divide among your friends...and another portion for charity).
Also, I choose:
Evil puppies (not as smart as evil kittens, and no claws).
Locked in a room with someone you hate for the rest of your life (because after enough time goes by, just remembering someone's name makes him or her your friend).
Snuggling together in a log cabin, by the fireplace, in the dead of winter! *sigh*
Buy a new car. A van! And I'd drive everywhere, even to Hell and back.
Paid twice a month--both on the same day.
and finally...
Hope or Pray? Pray. Praying is more active, and besides, since I gave up hope, I feel MUCH better.
Insane with the knowledge you keep?
Ridiculed for your ignorance?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Greg, have I properly expressed that I really, really, really find this game grueling and addictive?
Daye wrote:
Being as I am a big one for the whole knowledge thing and being ignorant may be my greatest fear (yes, even greater than mermaids) I would have to choose insane with the knowledge I keep. Besides, madness can be so interesting.
Would you rather eat one large, hairy spider
a whole bowlful of worms.
Tarix Conny wrote:
Can I first say GROSS, secondly I'd choose to eat a one large hairy spider, cause then your just take it in your mouth and swallow and that's that. With a bowl full of worms well.....yuck......this reminds me of Survivour
Go on a really thriller roller coster and puke your heart out afterwards
go on a boring merry go round!
Victor wrote:
Oh Hell, The Rollercoaster every time! I love the thrill of going really really fast in a an open cart held in by flimsy straps and padded bars!
Upside Down or Right Side Up
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Dave, that reminds me of a Berenstein Bears book I read. Baby bear crawled into a box...he went upside down, then right side up...whooo what fun!
I like right side up. But with upside down the blood rushes to my head. It's harsh, it's yucky, it's good for the brain. Oxygen rules.
I choose upside down, just like Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Victor wrote:
Pen. Pencils are only good for one thing...okay two things. Chewing on, and Stirring coffee. I chew on pencils becasue they taste good (must be all the lead paint they use on them) and they are softer than pens which can cause TMJ if you aren't careful. Of course there is the eraser problem. I have swallowed more rubber erasers than I could shake a #2 at.
Hat or Topless
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Bit ambiguous there...
Well, if topless means simply 'without a hat' then I'd go for topless. Not much into hats (unless it's to keep the sun off while bushwalking).
On the OTHER hand, if topless is completely topless, then (in public anyway) I'd have to wear a hat.
Joss Whedon or John Michael Strazinsky?
Victor wrote:
Ooh. Ugh. Hrm. Well. Um. I'll get back to you on that.
Sam Aubrey wrote:
Joss Whedon.
They're both good. Both imaginative, both subject to cheese.
Parasol wrote:
Revision!!! Gets perfect that way.
Walk to school
Bring your lunch
Daye wrote:
I simply cannot get the connection here, but I will go with bring your lunch. Out here at least, the school food was absolutely terrible.
Spend your last five minutes on earth having great sex with a complete stranger
having a deeply emotional discussion with the one you love?
Jadyn wrote:
since i only have 5 mins left on earth, i'd go for the mental and emotional gratification of not only being with my lover, but actually having a soulful talk with him. great sex with a stranger, i.e physical gratification, is so temporal and meaningless, especially in the face of death...
once again, i find myself taking a page out of sid's book. which would u prefer to see? *evil grin* :twisted:
1) galen and kate
2) lucien and kate
Natasha Brookes wrote:
I would have to say Galen and Kate simply because a roleplayed relationship is so much more 'alive' when two different people are playing the two parts. When it's one person conducting both sides there are no surprises (on the part of the player involved, at least). Louisa always knew what Luc would be doing. With Galen, however, she has Adam's input to contend with. Makes for a more spontaneous and involved relationship, I feel.
Parade naked in front of 100 people you don't know and will never see again or parade naked in front of 5 friends (family doesn't count)?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
100 people I don't know. Unless it would be especially funny to do it in front of my friends. Then maybe I'd choose the friends. Funny is good.
April, I choose Galen and Kate. Just because I don't want to have to listen to Adam's puppy-dog whining! :lol:
Break up with the one you love, but give no explanation.
Kick a cute little newborn boy in the gnards
Natasha Brookes wrote:
You're too evil, Sid. :twisted:
Given the alternatives, I'd have to kick the newborn. He'll recover.
When depressed: overeat or go off your food?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
that's a tough one...because I do both interchangeably.
I think go off food. Because I'll drop a few pounds and feel lighter, better, different.
Love Boat 's Pacific Princess
Gilligan's Island's U.S.S. Minnow
Daye wrote:
I think there are actually still surprises to be found in the relationship you completely write. For me, anyway, I am constantly surprised where this whole Drew/Daye/Ryan thing goes as I am writing it.
Anywho, I would have to choose The Pacific Princess. There's shopping, food, and a bar, plus I would manage to get off the boat and it's big enough I wouldn't really worry about ending up swimming with the *shudder* fishes.
Would you rather be an internationally loved and adored rock star
an obscure research scientist who discovers a cure for cancer?
Galen Eldridge wrote:
Obscure research scientist. Of course, it's an easy choice when you don't like rock music. Maybe if the other option was a crooner.... :)
Okay, another easy one:
Whose Line is it Anyway with Clive Anderson
Whose Line is it Anyway with Drew Carey?
Tarix Conny wrote:
With Drew Carey!
A hamburger with chocolate syrup
An icecream sundae with ketchup?
Sam Aubrey wrote:
"Z-z-z-z-ZZZOINKS! A hamburger with chocolate syrup, Scoob!"
"Right, Raggy! A ramburger with rocolate ryrup! Heeheeheeheeheeeee!"
I swear, that sounds yummy. I don't know why. Too much Scooby for me.
(And then I'd eat the ice cream with ketchup. Honest. I'll prove it in June.)
Victor wrote:
Choices choices...
{closes eyes and throws dart...}
{opens one eye to peek and see what he hit} Uh That.
A ton of feathers
A ton of Rocks
Sam Aubrey wrote:
I wasn't going to answer for awhile, because I play this ToT game too much. BUT
I simply must see how many feathers it takes to make a ton. And how do you get them all together? In a room? Is there a room big enough? You'd have to gather them outside, maybe in the Grand Canyon. But what keeps them from blowing away? Can we use the ton of rocks to hold them down? Does the Ton of rocks spread wide enough to cover the feathers?
Or am I mistaken? Is a ton of feathers not all that many?
Where do we get a ton of feathers? From a fraction of a ton of chickens? Who do we get to pluck the chickens? A fraction of a fraction of a ton of migrant workers?
How do we keep our chicken-pluckers happy? Do we pay them in peanuts? That's a lot of peanuts. Not necessarily a ton, but I don't even know where we'd find so many peanuts. Peanuts ain't cheap, either. And neither is alergy medication. With a ton of feathers, there's damn well going to be a ton of sneezing.
I say we start a pillow factory. Then we'll need a ton of pillow cases. But won't that leave us with some pillow cases left over? (I don't know; I'm getting confused. This should be simple to figure out.) Should we fill the pillow cases with the rocks?
And who is paying for all this anyway, Dave, I ask you? No: I beg of you! Who?
Quite frankley, Mr. Dent, I don't think you put nearly enough thought into this question as you should have. Or maybe you did. Maybe you knew precisely what you were doing to me. And I don't appreciate it. This was an evil question. Perhaps the most evil question so far.
I won't sleep tonight.
Oh. Oh yeah. The game. Uh..
Phh! Okay: um.... Ban Dave from this game or Dave's death by tickling?
[Apparently some of these got truncated (lost) sorry folks. Learning more about limits as I go along -- Admin]
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)
'This or That' (ARCHIVE)