Submitted by MrDave on Fri, 03/04/2005 - 11:58
Posted in
It goes like this: I will start by saying something fortunate. And then the next person will say something unfortunate to counter the fortunate comment.
Then somebody will come back with a fortunate comment.
Remember, it doesn't have to be LAbn or buffyverse related!
Here's an example:
Fortunately, Alessa decided to move to LA.
Unfortunately, there are vampires in LA too.
Fortunately, she met some people to help her.
Unfortunately, some of those people had inner demons :;.
etc, etc.
Here's the first one:
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately there are “White Hats” in LA.
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately some of them died last season
Jeet wrote:
fortunately they found at least one new member
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately he's does not know what his powers are.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, he's now got friends to help him work it out.
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
UNfortunately, not all those friends have been keeping in regular contact.
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, he just got two new neighbours who he can still meet.
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately, one of those new neighbors might just kill him if she gets paid enough.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunatly, she won't kill him if he saves her life.
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately a lot of that depends on where in her personal timeline she is.
Darian wrote:
Fortunatly, the time changing timelines should be finished pretty soon
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately there are events in LABN characters lives that even time-travel can't correct
Darian wrote:
Fortunatly, time heals all wounds
Kyle Ashton wrote:
Unfortunately, for those who fight vampires and the forces of darkness, time is always in short supply.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, some of the vampire hunters have lived a loooooong time.
James_Connor wrote:
Unfortunately some of the vampires have been living a very long time
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately beheading is a problem for them.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately there's a sword around that likes beheading anything too much.
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, that sword is wielded by a champion of good
James_Connor wrote:
Unfortunatelyhe has a tendancey to lose controll now and again 8)
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately he has true love to guide him back (awwwww).
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately her ex is trying to kill her
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, she's got a wiccan friend who will cast some serious mojo on the ex's ass :D
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, the ex has some power of his own, recently boosted.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, her actual boyfriend has too.
James_Connor wrote:
Unfortunately he just isnet that good at using it ...yet
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, people learn how to better harnass their powers
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately they tend to cause more problems in the process
Tarix Conny wrote:
Fortunately some problems can be better handled without powers, like with a mallet, or a sword, or even other shiney pointy dangerous items ;)
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately some of those objects can be cursed.
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, they come with a free frogurt
(i wonder if anyone gets that joke)
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunatly, the forgurt contains sodium benzinite. *pause* That's bad.
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, the white hats are all in such great shape that they can afford to eat junk food now and then.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunatly a simple spell can make that shape 'round'
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately the White Hats also have spellcasters, who can counter such magic.
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately magic is unpredictable.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, the white hat's mages are so good magic is predictable when they use it.
Tarix Conny wrote:
Unfortunatly, some bad guys also have mages, stronger mages, and that can be a huge pain in the umm...backside...
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately it's Christmas
James_Connor wrote:
Unfortunatly that meens drunk family members
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, the holiday will soon end, and they will all go home
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatley, I am the drunken relative (J/K-ing!!!)
Tarix Conny wrote:
Fortunately not all people drink (please tell me thats true!)
Kyle Ashton wrote:
Unfortunately, I am one of those people...unfortunately because drinking leads to hangovers :P
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunatley, control of drinking leads to avoiding hangovers (something none of the scoobies seemed to learn)
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately we aren't the Scoobie gang.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, we aren't the Scoobie gang. (Imagine having one of our members turn evil, or having one of our members die irrevocably, or having some of our members wind up in alternate dimensions... oh, wait....)
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately... we're worse.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, everybody can be worse than somebody.
Ozimandius wrote:
unfortunately each baddy is worse than the last one
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, we can always think of a worse baddie. (or is that unfortunate? :roll: )
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately the worse baddy usually shows up
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately we always seem to have the right combination of powers, knowledge, and skill to defeat the baddie. (funny how that happens, isn't it?)
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately we are a little disorganized still.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, that's all being taken care of by Tash.
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, we are now all committed.
Tarix Conny wrote:
Fortunately all the villians are not occupied...oh wait thats an unfortunate isn't it?
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, they are occupied with making out life hell
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately I saved a bundle on my auto insurance by calling Geico!
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunately, I can't drive :cry:
Jadyn wrote:
Fortunately, I have plenty of friends who can...
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunatly, the car will hit us anyway
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, the person who'll hit us is one of my friends. :oops:
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately HE saved a bundle on Auto insurance by calling Geico!
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately I dont have a clue what Geico is.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortuantly, Ally shouldn't feel bad since both New Jersey and Massachutes don't get Geico :P
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, Meghan is as cryptic as Adam.
Kieran wrote:
fortunately, ally is as much out of the loop as i am 8)
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately Ally has never talked to Ric to know much about him. (hint, hint :wink: )
Darian wrote:
thats a fortunately Ally :D
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, Ally has never talked to Ric to know much about him. (thanks for the hint Shaun :wink: )
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunately, non-U.S. citizens (and those in New Jersey and Massachutes) can't experience the magic of Geico which helps you save 15% or more on car insurance (!)
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, we have things other than insurance to amuse us
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, for the Poms this includes warm beer. ICK.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately beer can also be drunk cold.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortuantely, I can't get any of that until I'm 21 (legally, anywho :wink: )
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, no beer is in general no great loss :)
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately, the other option, Vodka isn't such a great substitute for a cold frosty one.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, that's why God invented Amaretto
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortuanatly, Meghan is a deprived child and doesn't know what that is :(
Darian wrote:
fortunately You will grow up, and one day taste the deliciousness that is Amaretto
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately all this talking of spirits remembered me of Dennis the ghost.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, if you drink enough you forget again :?
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately the amount required to do that leaves you with a killer headache
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately there are plenty of good drugs on the market that will cure that, and let you go drinking again the next night.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately... um, I can't think of a bad side to that! :D um... unfortunately you still feel crook all day regardless (or at least until a good puking session is over with) :( *Stands on soapbox* I will NEVER drink again!!! *takes swig of nicely CHILLED beer* ;)
Kieran wrote:
fortunately, we Itais have been groomed to drink since we were wearing diapers..."aweah ricah, drink this grappa, it'll toughen u up"8)...ah yes, the good old days...so, because of that, we dont need to worry about feeling "crooked" :P
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately the instances of alcoholism among the Italians is staggering....
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, being staggering drunk seems to be a prerequisite for an Italian to drive a car.
Kieran wrote:
unfortunately, italians have been robbed of both a) the world cup and b) the euro cup in many instances over the past two decades :evil:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortuantly for them, they have the mafia :P (yes, I'm shamelessly using stereo types :oops: )
Darian wrote:
unfortunately for the Italians, the Chinese Mafia is tons more badass
Kieran wrote:
forunately, shaun is my friend... :evil:
tsk tsk, kemo sabi...u been watching one too many chow-yun fat films...any chinese mafia cheese vs. michael "i put three bullets to my brother's head" corleone
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly for Shaun, I won't think twice on smaking him upside his head :wink: (what can I say, my family has a lot of Italian friends that take pride in the popularity of the mafia; tis my duty to defend them :) )
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, Shaun has a thick skull and can take the punishment. :wink:
Jeet wrote:
unfortunately everything breaks if hit enough times
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly for me, I've been whacking him upside his head for quite some time (he's been asking for it! insulting my taste in men.... :evil: )
Kieran wrote:
forunately i am one itai who doesnt understand the fascination with the mafia...it's stereotypical to love it...and if u ask all the wops here they just don't get it...they don't see the tragedy that the godfather movies, goodfellas, casino are...it's like people wanting to be a spy after watching james bond, tsk tsk...how bout dem firefighters, huh?
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortuantly, James Bond has been sucking since the first time Sean Connery stopped playing him.
Kieran wrote:
fortunately, that might change with the possible casting of Clive Owen as the new debonair
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, I could care less :wink:
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately I do, who did you say?
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't know who that is...
Kieran wrote:
fortunately i do...this super suave 8) lad has starred in such films as Croupier (ok, sue me, it's a little brit movie, but i love em, brits are bloody brilliant), Greenfingers (where he plays a prisoner and Helen Mirren plays in it as well), the sniper (i think the professor is his name, if im not mistaken) who tried to chase down matt damon in The Bourne Identity, also Gosford Park...HOWEVER, he was insanely wicked cool in the BMW films, both series, the first was called The Hire and i forget the second one (hehe, but it did feature a wild chase thru the sunrise desert of Las Vegas with Gary Oldman as the devil)...ne ways, if u guys get the chance to check out a star in the making, this guy is so it...hes quiet, very talented, id say hes fairly solid, charismatic, and could so pull off the spy shindig...
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost forgot, Clive is starring as Arthur in the new King Arthur film, slated for this summer if im not mistaken (hehehe, salivates @ the thought of troy, king arthur and alexander all being released in the same year, and still gone to see ROTK...bring thou forth a sword fair page... :P )
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately, I was to lazy to read all that
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, you're not the only one :P
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, I only have seen one of those films, Gosford Park, which I really loved, so I still don't know who he is...
Jeet wrote:
fortunately you can look him up on http://www.imdb.com
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunatley, from the pics on IMDB he doesn't look much like a potential Bond. Pierce Brosnan was much spunkier.
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately (if I have anything to say about it) you won't be close enough to even touch either of them :P
Kieran wrote:
unforunately for heather, they're already locked up with someone
....don't ask me why i know quite a bit about them
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately (for me) so is she. :D
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, I'm confused again :?
Kieran wrote:
fortunately, its cuz you're a girl...
ducks from all things waiting to be thrown at...
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, that anti-feminist comment is gonna get a rock thrown at Ricardo *chucks rock at him*
Kieran wrote:
fortunately, im quite agile...
whoosh...rock misses :P
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, few know of my weapon of choice: a stick *goes after Ricardo with a stick*
Jeet wrote:
fortunately sticks are notoriously weak (not logs you understand, a good log will last for ages, i remember my first log ahh happy days me and chip going for walks in the park visiting his friends and family... erm time to go now!!!)
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, you had time enough. :?
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, I found a nickel and named it Philip! :D
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately, Meghan finally fell off the deep end :crazyeyes:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly for Shaun, I can't drive (preventing me from driving up to Canada and chucking rocks at his window :evil: )
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, that means someone with a license will be forced to do it for you...any volunteers?
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, Even if Meghan could get a lift, she doesn't know where I live :P
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, you doubt my abilities on finding out about things :wink:
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately your performance in other areas gives him confidence about his assertation.
(J/K Meghan)
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortuantly, I totally did not get that (wait... if that is a dirty undertone, then HEY!)
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, there are places you can go where they will help you with those violent urges, Meghan. :fadein:
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately her ability to find them is about the same as her ability to find Shaun. :D
Kieran wrote:
forunately for meghan, she has me who will gladly drive her to shaun's house and help cannon rocks through his window :P
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately for Meg, we all know that Ric wouldnt do that because he just loves me so much, he wouldnt do anything to get on my bad side :D
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunately, I found another nickel which I have named Philip II!
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, I dont get all this nickel talk. :?
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately, you aren't alone in that, Ally. Unfortunately that does not make it any clearer. Fortunately, it's Meghan so we can safely ignore it.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, all this talk about me being a loon has made me mad. Me, crazy? I believe I'm the sanest person out there :P
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, among other things, the girl has sanity delusions. Fortunate for us at least, it keeps her from her violent urges... :wink:
Kieran wrote:
Unfortunately, those violent urges sometimes return at certain times of the month 8O
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, I have found a third nickel who shall be named Philip III :D
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately I have to ask again: "What is it with nickels and you, Meg?" :roll:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, here in the states, there is a neato tv program called "The Fairly Odd Parents" in which a boy named Timmy has two fairy god parents named Cosmo and Wanda. One day, Cosmo finds a nickel and names it Philip.
Unfortunatly, ITS A GIRL NICKEL!!!
Fortunatly, you now know my obssession with nickels :D
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, I now know your obsession with nickels! :?
Btw, I think my girls watch that show too, of course they are 8 and 2... :roll:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, you have some pretty kick ass daughters, cause "The Fairly Odd Parents" is an AWESOME show!!! :mrgreen:
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Unfortunately, that show is only on cable down here, of which i am depraved and thus have only heard of this show :(
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, Nickelodeon has saved the cartoon genre from childish extinction.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately for Nick, Cartoon Network is by far superior
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Fortunately, i must agree :D
Kieran wrote:
unfortunately, with all this talk of channels, there has been no mention of Fox Sports World (which broadcasts stuff from germany, the UK (Sky Sports- the best football program ever, heh, better than the italians, although theyre solid, Asia, Netherlands, France)
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, sports suck, so I don't care! :D
Tarix Conny wrote:
Unfortunatley, India won in cricket today :(...(but hoping for Pakistani team to kick in, in the next one ;)...hopefully...)
Kieran wrote:
Fortunately, all is well in my life, United won yesterday and Juventus tied, so, they're back to their non-losing ways!
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately for Ric, most of us don't have a clue what he's talking about
Darian wrote:
Fortunately, I Do know what he is talking about, and ^5s Ric over United's win!
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, the only United i know is United Airlines.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, many of us join you in shouting..."Huh?!"
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, nobody is answering. :roll:
Darian wrote:
fortunately, Shaun has the chance to hook up with 2 awsome guys Easter weekend...
UNFORTUNATELY, Shaun has to decide which guy to go with :( (WHY MUST IT BE THE SAME WEEKEND!!!!!!! :'(
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, on a brighter note, I'm passing Algebra! *does Irish jig around the computer*
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Unfortunately, i've finished school and don't have to worry about Maths ever again!
...no wait... THAT'S A FORTUNATE :D !!!
ner-ni-ner-ni-ner, ner :P :twisted:
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately I'm still at school, and yet I dont have to worry about Math anymore. :D :D :D
Even better, even better, even better!!
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Unfortunately, i do miss being able to hang out with all my friends so accessibly :( drift'age is sad :cry:
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, as you go through life you get to make new friends. Some of them may even live half a world away. :wink:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, I now am getting a phone call home from sleeping and reading in Math class, so if I'm not online in awhile, you know why :cry:
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately those of us who have common sense (Read: are in the humanities) feel your pain :)
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
UNFORTUNATELY i keep on returning to this game at unfortunate points and thus feel like i'm now some mass oppressive presence of a sort with nothing good to say, lol
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately my illness has rendered me capable of finding the dark stormy cloud in every silver lining
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, there arent any clouds around here, and a huge fire is threatening to eat up my city.
Please, please, come rain!!
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
FORTUNATELY (sqweee!) you have a ton of friends to join you in a rain dance!
*follows in Ally's example*
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately we arent very good Shamans and rain hasnt come, :cry: :cry: :cry:
Fortunately the fire was controlled and extiguished. :D :D :D
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, here in my part of the States, IT'S FUCKING FREEZING EVEN THOUGH IT'S SPRING! ARG!!! :evil:
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
hehe, Fortunately, here in the land Down Under, it's been reasonably nice and sunny of late even though we're heading into winter! That, and apparently our winters are piss all compared to yours so.... ner-ni-ner-ni-ner, ner :P
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately it's been too nice here these last days too, and NO RAIN, because of the fires that are starting,
Fortunately, it seems summer is getting longer. :D :D
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, summer is too hot
Alessa wrote:
I have to agree with that but,
since we are in a holiday week...
Fortunately it is too hot, and fortunately we have beaches, and fortunately we have beautiful parks that the fire didnt destroy... and all that that will make my friends from the north be envious of me. :D :D :D (with the possible exception of Amanda, but of course she's not from the north :wink: )
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, sun exposure gives you wrinkles, not to mention skin cancer. :?
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, there are sun tanning lotions, with protection screens, and parasols, and hats, and good sense not to go to the beach in inadequate hours. :D :D :D And i have them all. :wink:
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, sunscreen makes the sand stick to you.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, sunscreen doesn't matter to me since I avoid all sunlight (go paleness!)
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, then you glow in the dark hehehe
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, then you get to be your own nightlight.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, I like the dark :cry:
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, they are only joking. Dont you worry, Meg, you wont start glowing like a Christmas tree light bulb. :wink:
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, it will be like a signal light. Mwahahahahaha! :twisted:
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, others will follow that beacon light... into Halloween Town.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, some might lose their way when approaching the doors.
Fortunatly, Meghan (speaking in 3rd person of course) knows the way :D
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately Meghan isnt glowing anymore, so it wont be easy.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, the path is well sign-posted.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, i'm terrible reading maps. :(
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, you can always ask someone for directions.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, you rarely get usefull answers
Simon Hedge wrote:
Fortunately, what clear directions you do recieve direct you straight to the ale and whores.
Hooray ale and whores.
Jeet wrote:
unfortunately by this time all the ale is gone
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, the whores have a supply of fine wine.
Simon Hedge wrote:
Unfortunately, the proprietor, a gargantuan woman by the name of Madame Hildegard, won't let you have a drop unless you "spend some time with her".
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, there are guns :D :wink:
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, trolls like Madame Hildegard are generally bulletproof.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, I have magic bulletts. ;)
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately, you have..um...shot your load.
Darian wrote:
fortunately, Shaun is tired, and will thus not read too much into what Dave wrote :?
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, the more rested of us can't seem to help ourselves.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunatelly some of us cant even get what Dave said, or might have said.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, most of us did.... when sober....
Hunter wrote:
Fortuanly, I´m in complete denial after reading that.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, Meghan's gonna change the subject again, by bitching aboot how her nice sickly white skin is covered in nasty red mosquito bites, and she got them a week ago and they're *still* itchy :cry:
Blackthorn wrote:
Fortunatly you only have a 1 in 10,000,000 chance of getting west nile!
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, Meghan's not *that* lucky
Darian wrote:
fortunately some of us have better luck than Meghan
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, it's not that much better.
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately ,Christmas is coming.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't get to go to the beach in northern hemisphere Christmases.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, I do. :D :D :D
Darian wrote:
unfortunately, you people cant seem to appreciate a white christmas (I mean come on, whats Christmas without snow?)
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, a Christmas without snow is a Christmas with beach days. :D Besides, in my country it doesnt snow so i wouldnt have a white Christmas even if it were winter.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortuantely, countries with "beach day" Christmas' tend to be way too warm.
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, we only have two or three weeks a summer that are 'too warm' the rest is juuuuust beautiful.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately your 'just right' is probably still too warm ;)
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately I don't get enough vacation to really appreciate summer.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, that only means you appreciate the time you do get all the more.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunatley the time you have is usually "a good time to get research done."
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, Dave's research involves a lot of 'hands on' study.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, we all just went to yet another scarey visual place when Heather said that
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, most of you have had your TMI levels raised since you've known me. :)
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, i again missed something till pointed out. :roll:
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, you missed that until pointed out. ;)
Merlona wrote:
Unfortunately, I am sadly lacking in both the vacation and the research departments... :cry:
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, you still have lots of friends who love you.
Merlona wrote:
Unfortunately, I cannot very well molest my friends with my tongue now can I? Hehehe.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, I wouldn't be too sure of that. Some of us might very well like it. :P
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately for Jeanie Beanie, I am not one of them
(causeeeeeee we all know you want me :wink: )
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, we all have minds wicked enough not to be fazed by that.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm going to change the topic here, or we'll get fazed all right. Or is that a 'fortunately'?
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, we have Ally to steer us in the right direction when we get off track ;)
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately that means derailing the 'one track minds' of more than a few of us.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, one track-minds can always find a way to get back on track
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, that track always leads to the same place.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, there are many tracks and many trains and many, er, different modes of transportation and - think this metaphor might have run its course? ;)
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately not, because we can lay more tacks to the same location. ;)
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, though, that leaves many locations as options to choose from.
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately Firefly was cancelled.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, we still have the Serenity movie to look forward to.
Darian wrote:
Unfortunately, Firefly was Mr. Whedon's worst show, and we would all rather see Buffy/Angel movies
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, some of us had the opportunity to see Firefly the way it was meant to be shown, instead of the mangled version the networks put out, and thus can actually appreciate the complexity of the program.
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, doing so only leaves you desperately wishing it had never had to end.
Ozimandius wrote:
Fourtunately Angel movies are just around the corner.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, that would mean that David Boreanaz's character survived... again
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, it may also mean that we get to see more of Spike - with any luck, a lot more. :wink:
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, not everyone like Spike >_<
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, those few crazy people can be treated for their lack of taste ;)
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, such treatment is arduous and can be relatively painful.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Fortunatly, pain is for fools, and Meghan shall be no where the Spike lovers come the release of the movie :P
James_Connor wrote:
Unfortunately ever woman friend of mine will force me to go see it with them :wink:
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, there's nothing wrong with that.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately it seems there isnt a male friend to help Meghan see the light.
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately, there are many fish in the sea
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, Meg needs a man not a fish :)
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, it seems that Meghan has missed our little exchange (I still remember that shoe :roll: )
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, Meghan has just caught the tail end and has no fucking idea what's going on....
*rereads posts* Fortunatly, she does now know what's going on...
Unfortunatly, Spike had become too much of a pussy for Meghan to handle in season 5, and all love for Spike that Meghan loved from season 2 faded....
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, he still makes pretty good eye-candy.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately i'm being repetitive but... good thing we have Angel movie to wait for so we can watch pretty good eye-candy! :wink:
Fortunately, I'm going to change the subject too, again. The winter is ending around here, we'll be wearing low sleeves soon :D
Ozimandius wrote:
Unfortunately that means summer will be ending here in another few months and the cold weather will be coming back (damnit!)
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately I just bought a really nice winter coat at dirt-cheap prices for next winter, so I shouldn't get pneumonia this time. :)
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately I have no idea how cool my new place will be in the winter :)
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, you will be having a new place by winter. :D
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, Dave and I will be finding out just how heavy those philosophy books of Adam's are when we help him move.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, it's more the denisty than the mass
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunatley, I just realised that only made sense to me.
Fortunately, everyone was probably too drunk to notice. :)
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, most of what you say only makes sense to you. :twisted:
Fortunately, we're all used to that by now :D
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, we're all used to that by now. :wink:
Reanna Kossinton wrote:
Fortunately, we have ridiculously sized trout to smack him over the head with :mrgreen:
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, now I'm gonna have the image of Amanda running around after Adam with a big fish stuck in my head all day :?
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, you can probably think of better images involving ASH to get that image unstuck ;)
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, ASH is woefully unattainable for the likes of us.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, we can still dream *sigh*
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, those thoughts seem to have resulted in distracting all the women. ;)
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, no distraction can last forever.
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Unfortunately, for those of us prone to procrastination there are always new distractions to be found.
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately for those of us prone to procrastination, we can always invent new distractions
Daye wrote:
Unfortunately, such procrastinators often leave people waiting on them endlessly.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, we always get there in the end...
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, after waiting so long, sometimes we forget where we were going.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, we're imaginitive enough to come up with some destination in any case.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Unfortunately, some people have very evil imaginations *pointed look @ Kris and Robin*
Natasha Brookes wrote:
Fortunately, some of us thrive on evil. :)
Parasol wrote:
Unfortunately, evil thrives on some of us.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, I choose to take the "evil" label as a compliment.
Hunter wrote:
Unforuantly, I can't come up with something that would make that last thing still apply with me but also be negative, except for this.
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, not everyone has the same problem.
Hunter wrote:
Unfortunately, I had.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, you mean?
Hunter wrote:
Yeah, sorry. Changed it.
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, we're a very understanding group of people.
Adriana Lautari wrote:
Unfortunatly, that applies to everything *but* posts (I'm still working hard to crank out my first post in months in order to avoid harrassment :P)
Alessa wrote:
Fortunately, it seems that harassment works.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, some of us are oblivious to harassment when it comes to a choice between that and conquering Transalpine Gaul
Ozimandius wrote:
Fortunately elephants are in short supply in LA.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately, I didnt get that... or is it fortunately? I seem to be easily confused in these matters :roll:
Nikolai wrote:
Fortunately, Dave was thinking of Carthage instead of Gaul, since Gaul doesn't have Elephants, so it's ok you missed it.
Alessa wrote:
Unfortunately Adam explained things to me, now i'm even worse. :roll:
(Editing here: Oh, Cártago and Galia, now I get it :D )
Daye wrote:
Fortunately, even Adam's explanations can be gotten over eventually.
Nikolai wrote:
Unfortunately, going "WTF" to me brings on more explanations :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Fortunately, some of us have learnt those pitfalls and know how to avoid them ;)