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Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture
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Brian Clevenger (of 8-bit theater) wrote:
I went to see Bulletproof Monk because sometimes you just need to partake in cinematic fluff. We underestimated its fluff-factor however.

This movie is bad.

Not Train Wreck bad where it's awful but you have to see it.

Not Rental bad. Not Pay-per-view bad. Not free Pay-per-view bad. Not It's 3AM, I'm Cramming for Tomorrow's Test, and I Just Need Some Background Noise bad.

How bad? Toward the end of the movie my lower right eyelid itched. While taking care of that problem my finger slipped and I poked myself in the eye.

I didn't mind.

Personally I am facinated. How can a movie starring Chow Yun Fat be bad?

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Blackthorn's picture

True, but a game like Half life 2 does have to attempt to capture reality to a degree where DoW just has to look cool. Either way I'll be playing both games so hopefully they both rock.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Blackthorn wrote:
a game like Half life 2 does have to attempt to capture reality to a degree

This is the game about blasting away aliens from an alternate universe (or some such...never did finish Half-Life 1 :P )

Aye, lets hope.

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Blackthorn's picture

Counter-Strike is being shipped with Half-life 2 as a part of its multiplayer, and if you've seen the video you'd know exactly how realistic the HL2 engine is.

They created an entire engine to mimic human mouth movements while speaking so that as characters speak their mouth moves in a realistic way!

I never finished Half-life either lol; I’m not much for single player’s games. And by the time I got Half-life it was pretty dated anyway so I went straight for Counter-Strike.

Not to say older games aren’t good though, I still play Starcraft a fair bit lol.

Some early impressions of DoW that suggest it will rock -> http://eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=55758

The one thing I can say from the DoW screen shots I’ve seen is that Ritual did an Amazing job of capturing the look and feel of 40k. But as 'Marcus" (forgive me for not knowing your real name I’ve been away for awhile) said it’s the game play that counts!

Worlds of Warcraft looks incredible as well but since I don’t want to bore the non Video Games of the group im going to end the rant now.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Quite possibly the best funniest pop-up i've ever received: http://focusin.ads.targetnet.com/ads/banners/4272-4.gif

If it doesn't work, its basically one of those dud windows messages that says "are you stupid?" heh

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Blackthorn's picture

We would clearly do it better :D

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Logan's picture

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Disposable_Hero's picture

lol did exactly the same thing 'bout half a decade ago in junior school and, surprise, I have yet to be flayed alive :) 'Twas freaky at the time though, all that knocking on the mirror and chanting nonesense...

Although I swear our old toilets were haunted anyway.

Hehe sorry Meghan. My bad :p

On an unrelated note: Did you know that 18% of Brits voting for UKIP gives a "crystal clear" impression that all of the British people are against the European Union, despite the fact that most voted for one of the three parties that in one way or another supports the EU?

Its true. I read it in the Daily Mail, the same place where I heard the French inviting the German Chancellor to the D-Day memorial service was an indication of French domination of Europe *rolls eyes*

Apologies to any right-wingers here, but come on! Do they actually beleive this crap they sprout? And don't get me started on the xenophobic, egotistical arseholes in the UKIP that don't seem to comprehend that leaving the EU will bugger us up even more than being a part of it, because nobody else in Europe will want to know about us.

As far as I'm concerened, the UKIP/whole Conservative Right can go and take a trip to a little place I call the BURNING FIRES OF HELL.

Ahem. Rant over, sorry 'bout that. Just had to get it out of my system.

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MrDave's picture

Things we feel compelled to share...

Kaarin's picture

Having now read the actual article where Freud puts foward his interpretation of Oedipus, I feel compelled to share the following: it is complete and utter bullshit. A coherent interpretation but not, as he puts it, "The only possible one."

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Disposable_Hero's picture


Hell is for Heroes are playing Southampton on August 4th! 8O

NOOOOOOOOO! I'm away!!! Arrrrgh! *Beats head against wall*

On an unrelated note: woo, seventeen-ness :)

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Heather's picture

Apparently this is a story someone posted in RBB (RavenBlack Blood, for those of you who don't play Vampires! A Dark Alleyway) and has been passed around the various related sites. Forgive the American spellings - I've left the post as I found it.

True Biker Story (off RBB)
This happened to a friend of a friend of mine. I swear.



I never dreamed slowly cruising on my motorcycle through a
residential neighborhood could be so incredibly dangerous! Little did
I suspect.

I was on Brice Street - a very nice neighborhood with perfect lawns
and slow traffic. As I passed an oncoming car, a brown furry missile
shot out from under it and tumbled to a stop immediately in front of

It was a squirrel, and must have been trying to run across the road
when it encountered the car. I really was not going very fast, but
there was no time to brake or avoid it -- it was that close. I hate
to run over animals, and I really hate it on a motorcycle, but a
squirrel should pose no danger to me.

I barely had time to brace for the impact. Animal lovers, never
fear. Squirrels, I discovered, can take care of themselves!

Inches before impact, the squirrel flipped to his feet. He was
standing on his hind legs and facing my oncoming Valkyrie with
steadfast resolve in his beady little eyes.

His mouth opened, and at the last possible second, he screamed and

I am pretty sure the scream was squirrel for, "Bonzai!" or
maybe, "Die you gravy-sucking, heathen scum!" The leap was nothing
short of spectacular...

He shot straight up, flew over my windshield, and impacted me
squarely in the chest. Instantly, he set upon me. If I did not know
better, I would have sworn he brought 20 of his little buddies along
for the attack.

Snarling, hissing, and tearing at my clothes, he was a frenzy of
activity. As I was dressed only in a light T-shirt, summer riding
gloves, and jeans this was a bit of a cause for concern. This furry
little tornado was doing some damage!

Picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in
jeans, a T-shirt, and leather gloves, puttering at maybe 25 mph down
a quiet residential street, and in the fight of his life with a

And losing...

I grabbed for him with my left hand. After a few misses, I finally
managed to snag his tail. With all my strength, I flung the evil
rodent off to the left of the bike, almost running into the right
curb as I recoiled from the throw. That should have done it. The
matter should have ended right there.

It really should have. The squirrel could have sailed into one of
the pristinely kept yards and gone on about his business, and I could
have headed home. No one would have been the wiser. But this was no
ordinary squirrel. This was not even an ordinary angry squirrel. This

Somehow he caught my gloved finger with one of his little hands and,
with the force of the throw, swung around and with a resounding thump
and on amazing impact, he landed squarely on my BACK and resumed his
rather antisocial and extremely distracting activities. He also
managed to take my left glove with him! The situation was not
improved. Not improved at all.

His attacks were continuing, and now I could not reach him. I was
startled, to say the least. The combination of the force of the
throw, only having one hand (the throttle hand) on the handlebars,
and my jerking back unfortunately put a healthy twist through my
right hand and into the throttle. A healthy twist on the throttle of
a Valkyrie can only have one result.


This is what the Valkyrie is made for, and she is very, very good at

The engine roared and the front wheel left the pavement.

The squirrel screamed in anger.

The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy.

I screamed in .. well .. I just plain screamed.

Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed
in jeans, a slightly squirrel-torn t-shirt, wearing only one leather
glove, and roaring at maybe 50 mph and rapidly accelerating down a
quiet residential street on one wheel, with a demonic squirrel of
death on his back.

The man and the squirrel are both screaming bloody murder.

With the sudden acceleration I was forced to put my other hand back
on the handlebars and try to get control of the bike.

This was leaving the mutant squirrel to his own devices, but I
really did not want to crash into somebody's tree, house, or parked
car. Also, I had not yet figured out how to release the throttle...
my brain was just simply overloaded. I did manage to mash the back
brake, but it had little effect against the massive power of the big

About this time the squirrel decided that I was not paying
sufficient attention to this very serious battle (maybe he was an
evil mutant NAZI attack squirrel of death), and he came around my
neck and got INSIDE my full-face helmet with me.

As the faceplate closed part way, he began hissing in my face. I am
quite sure my screaming changed intensity. It had little effect on
the squirrel, however. The RPMs on the Dragon maxed out (since I was
not bothering with shifting at the moment), so her front end started
to drop.

Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed
in jeans, a very raggedly torn T-shirt, wearing only one leather
glove, roaring at probably 80 mph, still on one wheel, with a large
puffy squirrel's tail sticking out of the mostly closed full-face
helmet. By now the screams are probably getting a little hoarse.

Finally I got the upper hand ... I managed to grab his tail again,
pulled him out of my helmet, and slung him to the left as hard as I
could. This time it worked ... sort-of.

Spectacularly sort-of ...so to speak.

Picture a new scene. You are a cop. You and your partner have pulled
off on a quiet residential street and parked with your windows down
to do some paperwork. Suddenly a large man on a huge black and chrome
cruiser, dressed in jeans, a torn T-shirt flapping in the breeze, and
wearing only one leather glove, moving at probably 80 mph on one
wheel, and screaming bloody murder roars by, and with all his
strength throws a live squirrel grenade directly into your police car.

I heard screams.

They weren't mine...

I managed to get the big motorcycle under control and dropped the
front wheel to the ground. I then used maximum braking and skidded to
a stop in a cloud of tire smoke at the stop sign of a busy cross
street. I would have returned to 'fess up (and to get my glove
back). I really would have. Really... Except for two things.

First, the cops did not seem interested or the slightest bit
concerned about me at the moment. When I looked back, the doors on
both sides of the patrol car were flung wide open. The cop from the
passenger side was on his back, doing a crab walk into somebody's
front yard, quickly moving away from the car. The cop who had been in
the driver's seat was standing in the street, aiming a riot shotgun
at his own police car.

So, the cops were not interested in me. They often insist to "let
the professionals handle it" anyway.

That was one thing. The other?

Well, I could clearly see shredded and flying pieces of foam and
upholstery from the back seat. But I could also swear I saw the
squirrel in the back window, shaking his little fist at me. That is
one dangerous squirrel. And now he has a patrol car. A somewhat
shredded patrol car
... but it was all his.

I took a deep breath, turned on my turn-signal, made a gentle right
turn off of Brice Street, and sedately left the neighborhood. I
decided it was best to just buy myself a new pair of gloves. And a
whole lot of Band-Aids.

Things we feel compelled to share...

Disposable_Hero's picture

OMFG that's soooooo funny. I'm actually pissing myself here.

To start with it was just midly amusing, but as soon as the cop car was mentioned I burst into laughter.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Also found something some people (particularily any Civ fans) may enjoy: http://www.agegames.com/mw/

You download something called Diploware, and have an interface similar to CivII I guess. Then you play out your turn, send it off to the GM who runs everybody's turns together and sends it back to you where the process starts again. And 'cos its online, all players are real live human beings, so there's all sorts of diplomacy and back-stabbing involved.

There is a huge rulebook though :?

I'm already signed up and waiting for a game to start :)

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Kaarin's picture

It's summer and 84 degrees. We just had hail up to and including baseball size.

That is all. :)

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture


Marlon Brando totally died today. That was my way of honoring him. I'd have a moment of silence, but... I'm listening to "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight" from Cutting Crew, and this song's... pretty bitchin'. So... yea.... had to get that off my chest.

Mr. Brando, you shall be missed.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

I'd just like to say, I've totally lost my voice, my throat feels like it has been scorched to shit, I've got only three hours sleep, been drinking for nearly 12 hours now and haven't washed since friday morning



If anybody in the UK ever joins Scouts and gets invited to Trek Cart do it!!!!

Woooooo! (need shower...)

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Evalyn Toussaint's picture

Just like to say 'hi' and sorry for my seemingly unyeilding absence. am working my little butt off (and mind you, there ain't much of it!) and am one tired little pumpkin *sigh*

but other than that, i am still alive and missing you all a ton, hoping with all hope that i'll soon be able to jump back on the band wagon again - cos running along behind is fucken tiring, man! hehe

i am (believe it or not) enjoying myself though still, despite the harsh hours that vary from 6 days a week to seven. Just feeling a little bad about what you guys might be thinking :oops:

thinking of you all :D and cannot wait for the cast party to hurry its little heiny up *bounces around*

Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture

Things we feel compelled to share...

Disposable_Hero's picture

So, the DoW (Dawn of War, remember kids ;) ) beta came and went... and I missed it :( Well, I kind of shrugged my shoulders and went about my business, being too busy to play it even if I had it really...

THEN today I went on the DoW forums, and what did I see? "Last beta give away competition!" Thinking: "ah, what the hell" I went and signed up and entered (had to write a post on why you should win), and buggered off and carried on with what I was doing.

About 10-15mins later I went and checked my junk mail to see if France had replied yet (been trying to get an alliance with them...on that diplomacy game, of course ;) ) whereby I see that I have a private message from this forum where the competition was. I click on it, and what was staring right up at me?

Congratulations! You are the winner of the Beta competition!


I swear, lol, I so nearly fell out of my chair! I was like: OMFG! I only ENTERED like fifteen minutes ago, and to think i wasn't even going to bother and enter!

Well, I just got the e-mail with the link to the download, so I'll see you all sometime next month ;)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay, so get this. After long, long hours of hard work I've discovered not only will my pc not acess Fileplanet.com (to get this beta) but NOBODY with opera/enigma/firefox can. At all. Only aol and IE is liking it.

So, i got my mate with IE to grab a contact e-mail off their site so I can tell them it's fucked. Guess what? To report an error with the site, you have to log onto the site to fill out a form...

I mean, wtf? That's microsoft stupidity, for crying out loud.

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MrDave's picture

Matt you lucky stiff...I NEVER get that lucky...

but I found this and it is SORT of a prize...

Five Stages of Industrial Elitism

Okay it isn't but I thought it was funny

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Well, neither do I, but lucky isn't quite the word I'd use right now.

Ok, to summarise my troubles:

1) After winning, the link to the key stopped working.
2) After lots of message sending, managed to get a new link. Promptly followed this link only to find the site was down, and stayed down until this morning.
3) So started downloading - only to find it would take 2hrs. Decided I might as well go to college and have it ready when I came back.
4) Came back, all downloaded (thankfully). Began installing, blah, blah, all installed yayness. Went to play. Uh oh, my video card crashed...
5) Uninstalled then reinstalled video card x3. Still no luck. Apparently the damn thing just isn't working properly at all.
6) Phoned the techhies, got it sorted. All is well again. But wait, no- the video card is too told to support the game...

By this point I'm incredibly pissed off and frustrated as it is.

7) Decided to go and try it on the faster (supposedly), better and newer PC downstairs. Guess what? Of all the days my dad could of worked at home, it was today. Meaning I was unable to get on the pc until 5ish (baring in mind I decided to go down and try at like 11am - that's a long tiem to kill).
8) SO 5 comes at last. I first decide to zip the install file across MSN. That's how I always do it when I want music burned off (the burner is on the one down stairs, y'see). So the file is zipped and sent (taking a long time in the process) and finally gets there. I run the unzip program. And, yes, that's right - the sodding thing crashes. Grr.
9) I try again. It crashes once more.
10) Even though I know the file is too big, I think what the heck and attempt to send it over an e-mail to my dad's address, and pick it up on the pc downstairs. Alas, no, for every time I try to attach the zip file hotmail crashes.
11) Well, I decide to take a blank disk upstairs and shove the zip file onto that as data (there's a way to do it on my pc without a burner - not sure how it's done though :P Used to be able to do it under windows 98 ). BUT windows 2000 fails to even ACKNOWLEDGE there is a blank disk in the drive.
12) I try to zip it onto a bunch of floppies. But to do this, I'll need, literally, over one hundred floppy disks. Not doing it that way, then.
13) Defeated, I return to the pc downstairs in an attempt to re-download the file off the 'net. And every time I do, the GOD-DAMNED pc crashes. EVERY TIME.
14) SO I return BACK upstairs with the aims of resending the file over msn once more. Evantually, it does that, and I try to extract it only to find...that the thing crashes AGAIN!

That's 14 things that have gone wrong with this game so far. And none of them are a bug in the game itself, which I'm actually supposed to be checking FOR bugs. I do, however, have a long list of bugs I intend to send to microsoft at some point in the near future. The list will begin with "your stuff is shit".

Its now 6:20. In just over an hour and a half I'm heading over a friends (who's also redownloading for me) for a house party, so I'm not going to get to play it today. Neither am I going to get to play it tomorrow because of a 9-hour shift at work. Which mean's I'm looking at Sunday, at the earliest to try this game.

Words cannot convey my anger nor frustration right now. I imagine, could they, it would be full of expletivites, probably very loud, almost definately involving anger towards Bill Gates and his horrible fiery death, and probably leading to violence directed at every computer I can get within arm's reach so far.

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Blackthorn's picture

LOL I fell like an ass for saying this, but it took me less than an hour to DL, Extract and then Play my DoW beta, and I diddent even have to win a contest to get it :D .

BTW sounds like you need a new Video Card + Ram.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Is anybody else hypnotised by this, or just me?


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MrDave's picture

It is just you

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Blackthorn's picture


Things we feel compelled to share...

Kaarin's picture


I was recently directed here. You will have to perform a new search, but the Middle East Media Research Institute is making translations of some news broadcasts from the Middle East with subtitles. My favourite so far is an Al-Jareeza broadcast in which a reporter slams Al-Jazeera on Al-Jazeera.

Things we feel compelled to share...

Disposable_Hero's picture

More entertainment from the write wing press:

In a recent poll conducted by the Daily Mail...66% of Britons beleive Blair should go.

Average reader: Woah. Everybody's so opposed to Tony. If he doesn't have so much support, we should get rid of him.

But wait. Let's take a little closer look at this, shall we?

Lets assume the Labour party is left-wing (you can argue both ways really, but its traditinal roots are left-wing). Tony Blair is, therefore, head of a left-wing government.

The Daily Mail is a right-wing newspaper. The poll was conducted on their readers, the majority of which are also, naturally, right-wing.

Is anyone therefore surprised they achieved this (and similar) results? Gee...I'm not.

One last thing to get out of my lefty system, honest...

We had a new guy start at work today. Not so bad, you think. But wait! He's a raving right-wing loony! 8O We not only so didn't get on in a bad way, but at one point I was downright rude to him. Although, to be fair, he did use the 'B' word ("BNP" *spits*). He said something along the lines of: "At least if the BNP get into power we'll have a government who isn't afraid to stand up for itself." My reply was something like: ""the day the BNP get into government is the day I sign up for the Communist Party and start winning back the country street by street, now sod off back to whatever hell spawned right-wingers like you." With possibly more tact :P I don't, for example, think I actually used 'hell'...

Man, I'm getting so left-wing these days lol.

Okay, I'm done. Just had to let off some steam :) I'll go back in the hole now...

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Meredith Bell's picture

I think there's a very good reason why I check my religious and political beliefs at the door before I come into LABN. If not I'd have an insane political tirade at least once every hour, a fate that thankfully, most of you have been spared ;)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

This was only 'cos I've been worked up about it all day with New Rabid Right-Wing Guy, and felt I had to spread my word beyond Meghan, Jamie and Shaun :P

On a completly unrelated note: have I managed to convert anybody to Socialism yet? No?

Damn, gonna have to work on 'em a bit more... :P

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Meredith Bell's picture

Wait a minute Matt, you're a Socialist AND support New Labour? 8O Isn't that one for the oxymoron thread, Labour Socialist? :? Okay, see, this is why I try to curb my political tendencies, I can feel my sap rising already hehe ;)

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Kaarin's picture

There are still socialists around? Ah well, you're young. You'll get out of that phase when you grow up. :)

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Mmk, changing the subject.....

Recently, I showed a site to Matt and Chris[toffer] a popular site around my state.


It's pretty freaky, covering many of the urban legends of New Jersey, inculding the New Jersey Devil.

Now, I've strayed away from the site, mainy since if I spend too much time on it, I become paranoid and I can't sleep.

Good source of some ideas :)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Must...restrain...desire to argue further...;)

I'll just wait till Jamie comes back online again :P

Anywho, I'll stay quiet from now on...venting my anger on Jamie and New Raving Right-Wing Guy hehe

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Firefly's picture

Being a socialist does not mean you are young and naive. I, who am older than Adam btw, can identify with socialism on some levels.

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Kaarin's picture

Kris obviously forgot rule number 1, nothing Adam says is serious, including this. :)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Eek, I thought I'd let old Pandora out her box then :?

Get back in!

Umm...moving the convo along...so...cheese, eh? Yay or nay? Personally I say nay, unless its on pizza or something, but i'm not a big fan of cheese sandwhiches.

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Firefly's picture

LOL...now does that remind anyone else of something or is it just me?

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Meredith Bell's picture

Hehe :D Anyone for a nice bit of Brie? ;)

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Kaarin's picture

What does a cheap and evil girl have to do with this? :)

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Kaarin's picture

Things I feel compelled to share: when you're sleepy and exhausted, the links for the chatroom and the gameboard look very similar. Especially when you don't make them look clearly different in your links list. :)

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Kaarin's picture

Guess who needs a DOUBLE root canal?

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Alright, I have finally finished and sent in my US History AP report, which has been plague-ing my thoughts. I did terrible on it, but oh well.

Good news is, I now have more time and modivation for Labn ^_^ So expect a comeback from me in posts ^_~

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MrDave's picture


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MrDave's picture

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Kaarin's picture

At last.... my new career!

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Yesterday I got to go in a tank! With a rifle and a helmet! IN A MOCK BATTLE!

It was so cool...

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Haha, and I remember you mentioning before something aboot mixing up your warring periods, Matt.... ^_~

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Disposable_Hero's picture

I have just had one of the best parties of my life.

To set the scene: A few of my mates are in a youth theatre production group. I make a point of going to see their shows (mostly just to eye up the talent in the cast ;) ) This week they've been doing a show of Fame, which I went to see on Thursday. It was okay, but that's not important. Their last show was saturday, yesterday.

Now, my parents have gone away. Which means I have a free house all to myself. Which meant it was quickly agreed by all that the after-show party should be held at my house.

I finished work at 10:15, got home 10:40 and dashed about sorting the house and myself into order. A couple of my mates not in the theater group had come over and we were waiting for everybody else to arrive. About 11:30ish (I can't really remember) I phoned the cast to see where they were.

They said look out the window, I did, and roughly 20 people were converging on my house. Roughly same age as me, equal sexes. I let them in, the alcahol and weed started flowing, the music started playing, and what followed was an absaloutely incredible night, the likes of which I have never had before. It was an AWESOME time.

It was probably made all the better by the fact I think I pulled upwards of three girls who I had never met before last night, and with one in particular I think we got really close.

I haven't slept all night (was with said girl...) and the last guests have only just left. Literally. I'm still totally wired from the whole thing, which probably explains why I'm posting hehe.

It was soooo incredible. Most of the guests had never met me before, but everything picked up smoothly at the start (with the help of my Darkness CD :P ) and just continued to get better from there. Nobody, including moi, got overly and ridiculously smashed and I think everybody had an amazing time. Which means I think I did a damn good job of host, and I wanna do it again :D

OMFG I had such an amazing time...And this is considering the fact that up till Friday I didn't know anything about it, and it wasn't until about 10:45 on Saturday - when I actually phoned the cast to see what was going on and found out that they were, in fact, on their way to my house - that I knew for certain it was going down.

So, aye, Matt's up on Cloud Number Nine today and, shock, with a smile on his face for once!

Now, the good news is virtually all of the people there yesterday have been invited to my big wedensday bash, too! (which I'm also looking forward to hosting) The bad news, it's several days away and I'm soooo looking forward to it.

What I'm really chuffed about, more than anything else, is that I was host. This is the first real big party I've hosted, and though I didn't put a lot of work into it, in some ways its really different from just being a guest - and, despite the fun I have being a wasted guest, I really enjoyed myself. I managed to get on with everybody and I think make several new friends, not get totally trashed but just to the point of relaxing, and travelled throughout the house making sure everybody else was having a good time, too. It was such a rush and really fun. I wanna do it again :D

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Allyana's picture

Well, that sounds great Matt, :D I'd ask you to invite me to the wednesday one if i didnt know for sure that i'd scare all your friends (old and new) away. Maybe i should get Peggy Sued.

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