Since we're all doing a bunch of mini-collabs, this book will be a temporary holding area for all the posts. As the titles, name them with the characters involved (e.g. Balty/Jasmin, or Alison/Anne/Pablo). Then we can work out what goes in what order and I can re-title them all with approporiate time stamps and shift them over to the story book.
If there are any glaring contradictions (someone having to travel back in time in order to meet people in the same order that those people have indicated), then some rewriting may be necessary. Hopefully we'll keep that to a minimum.
So far, Alison sees Anne and Cadee and THEN chats to Balthazar. Balty notices Pablo at the bar during his bit, which fits with my/Dave bits so far.
I'll edit this page as new elements of continuity become apparent.
Pre-party: Alison, Jasmin, Connie - this is already posted in the main book.
8pm-9pm ish:
- Meredith Intro
- Cadee and Anne Intro
- Alison, Pablo, Anne, cameo by Cadee
- Balthazar, Jasmin
- Alison, Balthazar and Logan
- Connie, Jasmin
- Pablo and Alison
- Evalyn, Meredith
9pm-10pm ish:
- Alison, Evalyn
- Balthazar, Logan -- Pablo And Logan on Balcony
- Sven and Helen
- Balthazar, Pablo
- Logan, Meredith
- Logan and Pablo in Bathroom
- Cadee, Meredith
10pm-11pm ish:
- Logan, Cadee
- Alison, Meredith
- Evalyn, Jasmin
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The little chat with
The little chat with Alison/Pablo goes after the conversation between Cadee/Meredith, and before the one with Cadee/Logan. Like the jam in a sandwich :) (that's what i have so far)
So we've got (in the order
So we've got (in the order below)
Balthazar arriving at the party and seeing Jasmin
Balthazar later on, telling Logan to go enjoy himself (leaving Balthazar alone)
Logan and Meredith
Logan and Cadee
Whats left to write for me is Logan running into Sandoval a few times and then, based on the way the killings happen, i'll judge how they react to the situations.
How about everyone else.
I'm right there with you and
I'm right there with you and I want to have Sandoval and Balthazar "bump" into each other at some point.
Then when things get exciting he's going to run right into the thick of it...without his gun.
That seems to be missing the
That seems to be missing the Alison/Balthazar post, which as far as I know goes in after Jasmin's done talking to him.
Just 'cause we haven't written it yet doesn't mean it can't be timelined. :P
So far I have... Intro
So far I have...
Intro (solo)
Evalyn running into Meredith (still to write - not sure if the Logan meeting will be directly after)
Logan meeting Meredith
Cadee meeting Meredith
Meredith meeting Alison
(the spaces are just to show which meetings run directly on from one another. So, for example, I see there being a good bit of time passing from when Cadee and Meredith part ways and she bumps into Alison)
My current posts, either
My current posts, either written or needing to be written:
And we've already run into
And we've already run into some issues.
Shaun has Logan and Meredith much later in the proceedings than Lou has.
Lou has Cadee meeting Meredith after Logan and Meredith. However, the Cadee/Meredith post must be quite early in the party since the post with Alison/Pablo/Anne/Cadee happens before Alison goes to meet Balty, which is just after Balty has spoken with Jasmin.
Shaun, however, has the Balty/Jasmin meeting as his first, and Logan's meeting with Meredith later on. Unless we use time travel, this isn't going to work. :)
You can move ours to when it
You can move ours to when it fits better, I had thought of it being post Meredith/Cadee but I never mention Meri in it, so it's not written in stone. It can be changed. Besides, I'm sure Cadee will lose Anne more than once in that party :)
The post with Cadee and
The post with Cadee and Meredith really HAS to be after the Logan/Meredith meeting since they do talk a bit about him! lol. I'll leave it to Ally, she may want to re-write some of our post (where she mentions not having talked to alison yet) that may be the easiest option since it would only involve a little re-write. Cadee/Meredith & Logan/Meredith really need to be together as I see it. They really do follow one another. But their place in the evening matters little to me personally.
Yes, when i said Heather
Yes, when i said Heather could move 'ours' i referred to the Pablo/Alison/Anne one. I had intended it to be after the Meredith/Cadee, but it doesnt matter if it is moved.
The Meredith/Cadee one HAS to be after the Meredith/Logan and before -but not exactly before- the Cadee/Logan one.
And you're right, I need to rewrite that bit if we move the other one. I had forgotten. But it's a tiny bit, no problem.
With a light re-write I would
With a light re-write I would see the running more like this -
8pm-9pm ish:
9pm-10pm ish:
10pm-11pm ish:
Cool, so far.
Cool, so far.
Small detail, Logan/Cadee
Small detail, Logan/Cadee would be closer to the end of the night. We had planned that they would be together when all the turmoil started :)
So, in that time frame, when
So, in that time frame, when do I and the Revenants come in?
With this, from what I
With this, from what I understand: you'd be able to arrive at any time, earlier; doors are opening at 8 - it'd give you a chance to mingle with some other people, if you wanted to take it. Most likely time for the attack being sometime between 10 and 11, after all the other posts.
Okay. I am going to do
Okay. I am going to do something with Niall and Chiedra to get her in the party. I don't know if anyone else wants to run into her or to Niall while they are here. Then I'm ready to roll with the attack.
I want Cadee to witness Niall
I want Cadee to witness Niall working his magic, but no meeting is needed.
Ok, so I've moved a few of
Ok, so I've moved a few of the posts around per the discussion so far (moved the Cadee/Meredith post to later in the night, and shifted Logan/Cadee to the 10-11 window). I've also added the additional posts I know will be happenening (Alison/Evalyn and Sven's encounter).
Are there any other posts/collabs not yet mentioned that need to be slotted into here? I know Dave and Shaun plan to have a few small meetings here and there - they can be peppered throughout, I'm sure. Any others that need to be included?
I'm writing a short intro for
I'm writing a short intro for Cadee and Anne, but that would go at the beginning, they arrive while Alison is taking the promo pictures.
Then the collabs I mentioned.
And after the attack, we planned another with Shaun, but it's not done yet. We were waiting to see how it went.
I think Evalyn and Jasmin
I think Evalyn and Jasmin will be catching up briefly too. Should be writing that with Kaa later today as well.
Ok, sillilly, where are we
Ok, sillilly, where are we now? Good for attack? Who's writing said attack? (I've been out of it the past couple of days, kinda).
And for said Revenant attack, who are our responders?
I believe, correct me if i'm
I believe, correct me if i'm wrong, that Kris and Dave were coordinating. I know Logan will be rushing to the front line and Balthazar will likely intervene as well.
Right. Just so long as
Right. Just so long as everyone knows what's going on. :)
I am writing the beginning of
I am writing the beginning of the attack as we speak. Niall and Chiedra are in the alley behind the club where Ricky is about to be attacked. Dave gave me an idea of who to use for the attack. I will write just the start, with enough noise to attract some attention, and then leave it off there.
Does it spill into the club?
Does it spill into the club? I'm just wondering how all the party goers will hear and react if they are all inside with loud music, etc.
Oh hells yes!..It is my
Oh hells yes!..It is my intention to have these Eastern European d-bags start firing indiscriminately into the downstairs bar. There will be noise!
Right. I'd definately like to
Right. I'd definately like to suggest that we may want to try to coordinate actions, then. Or just generally deal with this as the chaos it'd be from random firing? I can figure, at the very least, with shots fired inside, 911 is getting called rather quickly.
Probably by Sandoval. MY plan
Probably by Sandoval. MY plan is for him to be on the balcony when shots get fired. He'll see Niall's fireblast and then he's going to probably do something very stupid like jump down from the Balcony. (It's only 12 feet, right?)
He's got no gun, but if he can get one from one of the d-bags, he might do that.
Yep. Standard, one-level
Yep. Standard, one-level height, so 12 feet sounds about right, give or take a couple of inches.
My plan for Jasmin is to have her do something less (but still) stupid and actually run down stairs - unarmed. For some reason, I see her just grabbing one at the entrance, casually snapping his neck, and having a "what the fuck?" moment when he... doesn't die. Then falling back before she vamps out.
Evalyn's with Jasmin when the
Evalyn's with Jasmin when the first fires are shot, and unless that changes, she'd probably run downstairs after Jasmin, cautioning her (to no effect, would be my guess) and to see what's the hubub first hand.
Ohh, there's a balcony? I
Ohh, there's a balcony? I need to have Cadee see Niall at work. May be a good point.
Ok just throwing this out
Ok just throwing this out there. I think the Balcony overlooks the first floor of the club, not the outside (correct me if i'm wrong). Also, Kris' post happens in the alley, so even if the balcony does go outside, I dont think anyone's in a position to see the fireball...(so long as I read that right).
Anyways, when the guns start blazing inside, Logan pulls Cadee and Anne behind the bar (on the ground floor). He will then rush into the action, probably trying to get to Balthazar while taking out the gunmen.
Can't be inside the club if
Can't be inside the club if there is smoking there. I was told there is a "smoker's balcony" which is where I was.
Yeah. Once someone reminded
Yeah. Once someone reminded me that smoking indoors is completely illegal in New York, I realized that, on the second floor, there'd also be a smoker's balcony put it for sheer convenience - someone who has to completely leave to smoke is less likely to come back than someone able to do so conveniently.
Ok, makes sense then. So long
Ok, makes sense then. So long as the balcony i guess oversees the alleyway.
I think maybe Meredith could
I think maybe Meredith could either be just popping out onto the balcony for a cigarette (yup no will power) in time to see Pablo leaping over the balcony? (might be interesting) Or she could always just hear the noise downstairs when the shooting starts. She'd want to get a piece of the action (as the aspiring cub reporter) so no doubt would run into the thick of things without thinking. She'd probably be desperate to scoop Alison this time round lol
I've moved all the party
I've moved all the party posts to the actual game now that they're all done. I've added times as close to what I can figure out as the gaps between posts (allowing time for conversations to happen, etc.) while giving a good 2 1/2 hour spread before the attacks start.
I guess once we don't need the comments on this page anymore we can probably ditch it.
Do we need a collab now or
Do we need a collab now or small collabs coordinated so nothing contradicts anything else as we finish up this battle?
So what are the next steps?
So what are the next steps? Dave are you handling the attack post inside? If not, do we colab it? Just want to make sure we're all on the same page :) so we can keep trucking!
Yes we will need to collab.
Yes we will need to collab. I have not written anything (other than in my head). Heather had an idea that she is with me when the shots occur.
Here's a proposal of
Here's a proposal of mine:
We create a child page, specifically, for reactions; we can all handle our little reaction snippets seperately. After that, we'll need to collab responses. By my count, characters that might actually be trying to go down there are: '
Cadee will be fighting too,
Cadee will be fighting too, although maybe not overtly.
Sounds good. With Chiedra
Sounds good. With Chiedra and Niall rushing in from outside when the bullets start flying.
*ahem* I think you forgot
*ahem* I think you forgot someone. ;)
I didn't know what you were
I didn't know what you were doing. Looks like overkill for three people who refuse to die. :)
To be fair, I am hoping to
To be fair, I am hoping to have them open up with automatic weapons in the bar.
And Drago will be moving quietly upstairs to try to get to Balthazar while the others are a distraction.
Hmm, does that mean I might
Hmm, does that mean I might meet Drago on the stairs?
I think it means we might
I think it means we might both....
....Heather. Track me down when you get a chance. I has nice, drama-filled idea to bounce off you. :)
Edit: Related question, does this mean just Drago inside, or one of the revenants in there, too?
As I understand the bad guys'
As I understand the bad guys' plan, Drago is to go upstairs to confront Balty about Carmine's location, while the revenants act as a huge distraction downstairs.
In that case I'm gonna keep
In that case I'm gonna keep Meredith upstairs. It's likely that by the time everyone realises something is going on downstairs security will be blocking the way anyway. Plus, if she's heard that Romano is at the party, she may be sticking near(ish) since she know that Carmine works for him. It's a tenuous link, but one she may just decide to play - especially seeing as the ace reporter is already heading down into the fray.