New West Berlin (NWB) is a small gang of Eastern European criminals. There were only about a dozen members altogether lead by Drago.
Drago is tall, lean, with long, curly black hair and a black goatee. He is covered with tattoos. He carries a .50 desert Eagle automatic that has been chromed. Drago is a good leader and very confident. But if he is in real danger he will hide or run as he is also a bit of a coward. Drago speaks English, Serbian and Russian in varying degrees of mix between the three. His English is rough.
Of the seven men that Carmine killed three of them have come back.
Miro was gunned down by an AK-47. Miro tended to wear t-shirt, jeans, and was partial to big-caliber Automatics. He had a .45 auto on him at the club. He was burned very badly be Niall and now is like a roast pig in the alleyway. All he has left of his clothes are some blackened shoes and his skin is like burned/fried pork-rinds. Miro is Serbian and curses (A lot!) in Serb. He speaks broken English.
Kosta was knifed in the back and there is still a huge gash that exposes his internal organs. Kosta wears a light-weight leather jacket and leather pants that don't fit well. He drinks a lot and so has a beer-belly and is fond of small fully-auto weapons like Uzis and Mac-10s . He also carries a huge knife which he uses more for the terror factor. Kosta speaks with a Russian accent and inflection. His english is excellent.
Zoran got the worst deal. Shot in the face (twice now) his tongue hangs out of the ruined remains of his skull. There is still skin on what remains of it, but the back of his head looks more like a broken coconut than a head. He wears a sports jersey (NY Jets) and jeans with Combat boots. He uses pistols and is -- even with one eye -- a crack shot. He currently can't speak intelligibly.
Their plan at Graveyard is simple, Zoran, Miro and Kosta are a distraction. Their job is to lure security down into the bar and dance floor on the lower level while Drago sneaks up to the top level and confronts Balthazar Romano. Dragon doesn't want to threaten Balthazar to get this info, but he doesn't have much else to bargain with. If he gets what he came for he is going to go back out through the bar to signal his men to retreat.
If they fail, it's to-the-death for these guys and they can't die. Except for Drago.
Drago figures either way they are going to absorb a lot of bullets and punishment while he gets off with little risk to his own skin.
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