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Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

MrDave's picture
Posted in

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(u0hate0me2@yahoo.com) on Friday, June 27, 2003 at 18:49:57

charname: Greg
race: wicca
gender: male
bdate: unknown
group: the coven of cindell
position: leader
descript: i'm a average guy unless u like a wicca who is more powerful than your god itself. well i guess i dress cool i always wear black.
history: he's played in many wmovies and on the tv show buffy the vampire slayer of coarse
items: wears a trench cloke, has a spell book always in bag never leaves any where with out sun glasses never.has a stake handy at all times. also a small 6" knife handy too that folds up
powers: he's a wicca verry powerful 1 who almost defeated the devil him self
played_by: Nicholas Brendon
player: well i'm in eigth grade i'm not working yes though i play rp in many differn't sites 2
age: over13

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

This character waas rejected without review and is posted here for archival and ridicule reasons.

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Firefly's picture

Oh, please. Read the guidelines dammit. Nicholas Brendan. *Sigh*

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Disposable_Hero's picture

This character waas rejected without review and is posted here for archival and ridicule reasons.


Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Soulless Zombie's picture

descript: i'm a average guy unless u like a wicca who is more powerful than your god itself.

powers: he's a wicca verry powerful 1 who almost defeated the devil him self

Sounds like the protagonist in Kathleen Sky's Witchdame. In that book, the Witchdame defeats fifty men in single combat at a tournament; she marries the Archangel Michael; she rides a horse which is actually the Archangel Gabriel in disguise--and he's HAPPY to do this; she apprentices to the Goddess for a few days, thus learning everything about everything; and she descends to Hell, where she battles and kills Satan.

I mean, honestly. A wicca who is more powerful than a god and who almost defeated the Devil? Can you say "Mary Sue"?

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Logan's picture

Come on people, cant you all see this character is the best ever, i for one vote him in.

plz note the sarcasm

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture

ok, so with this one how many ridiculous character profile postings do we have so far?

i think this guy deserves a gallery for ridicule :twisted:

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: kyle parent
To: Admin@LateNightGames.com
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:42:14 -0700 (PDT)

i'm soooooo sorry but maybe u can shove it

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--------------------- Original Message Ends --------------------

Character Proposal: Greg the Wicca (Rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture

Wat a guy, attidute problem and he appologises before abusing....how could we ever refuse him? hmmmm

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