\ Character Proposal: Tave Tait (rejected) | unlimitedi.net
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Character Proposal: Tave Tait (rejected)

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Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(durusterra@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 03:57:46

charname: Tave Tait
race: Human
gender: Male
bdate: 12/31/78 USA/NewYork
descript: 6', Brown shaggy hair(blonde highlights), Blue-green eyes. He is cocky and selfcentered. He wear a blong black jacket. (I know over done)
history: Tave founded out about the dark side of life at the age of 12. His mother was killed my a vampire. His father unknow to him. He knew what happen to his mother wasn't right and looked in to it from that day on he has hunted and killed all vampires, demons and the sort. He has been traing and studying.
items: He has a handgun, stake and a dager always. Long chained necklace witha crosson it.
powers: He is human. But is stong and fast. (like a solider)
played_by: Jensen Ackles
player: My names is Landi. I' m in a Buffy game hasa slayer right now. I'm a 17 year old female. I work a McDonald's. And Am going in to my senior year of highschool.
age: over13

Character Proposal: Tave Tait (rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture


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