Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Soulassein@hotmail.com) on Monday, February 16, 2004 at 15:43:42
charname: Alexander "Hunter" Hewitt
race: Vampire
gender: Male
bdate: November/16th/1900- England/York
group: None
descript: Hunter is above medium height and appears to be medium built. He has short black hair and is often dressed in black and a black leather coat.
history: Alexander was born in the beginnig of the 20th century in York.
His family was quite wealthy and he had an easy childhood and grew up to become a young man with a bright future. He also found happiness in his fiancé Emily Weston whom he loved with all his heart. His feelings were answered and they were very happy together.
However his whole world would fall apart when he heard about her death.
She had been found dead in an alley seemingly unhurt except for a strange wound by her neck.
Overcomed with grief Alexander became more reclusive and spent most of his time by the cemetary and each night he prayed that she would return to him.
One night his prayers were answered.
He was visiting the cemetary when he saw a figure approaching him.
As it came closer he didn´t belive his own eyes when he recognized Emily.
"Emily?" he said and then runned and embraced her.
"Oh god, Emily! I thought I´d lost you. How..."
She hushed him and then said: " I´ll never leave you." And then begun to kiss him.
Hardly understanding how she could stand here next to him he answered her kisses,whom became more passionate by every kiss and then he could feel her lips reaching his neck. At first he felt the chill of her lips but then it was answered by a pain which he had never before encountered and how his life was drained from him.
"We will be together for all eternity..." he could hear her voice say before he lost counscionsness.
He soon awakened but now he felt different,he was consumed by a hunger stronger than any sensation he hade ever felt before.
He found his first victim in the form of a young prostitute brought to him by Emily. As he gave after for the ever consuming hunger and unleashed the beast within him he could hear her screams and pleadings for mercy as he lowered his fangs in the soft,warm fleash of her neck. He felt her warm sweet blood pour down his throat and found himself enjoying her screams and the pure pleasure of draining the life out of her body. And as he dropped her corpse to the ground he felt for the first time in his life true power.
Together he and Emily begun traveling, employing themselves as mercenaries within the demonic and vampiric societies selling their skills to the highest bidder. It was during this time he gained the nickname "Hunter". Because of the way he used to bide his time and patiently await his moment to strike. He enjoyed the simple brutality of his new life to the fullest and the two became the deaths of several vampire hunters.
His happiness was however short lived, as Emily finally met her death in the form of a stake in the hand of a vampire hunter.
Her death became too much for Hunter and he refused to let her leave him again,so he gathered her ashes within an urn and soon begun to search for a mean to ressurect Emily.
He spent many years searching and finally he heard rumors about a powerful artifact called the Eye of S.t. Vigeous which would contain enough power to help him bring back his beloved. After several years searching he were able to locate the Eye within Los Angeles.
He begun his journey to the City of Angels fueled with his new hope of finally being reunited with Emily once more.....
items: He carries the urn containing Emily´s remains and as well a katana which once belonged to one of the several vampire hunters he had killed.
powers: Basic vampiric powers.
played_by: Keanu Reeves
player: Well, my name´s Christoffer,I´m 15 years old and born and raised in Sweden.
I like to write and I´m into RPG:s. I´m also a fan of Buffy and vampires in general. I have been watching L.A. by night for quite a while and I´m really hooked on it. I also understand if there´s no room left,but I would really want to join.
age: over13
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
He's a basic vamp. (good)
He's a love-torn and tortured character without a soul (good)
He's not a good guy (I can only assume he's aware of the dangers of that)
He's a fan of LABN (good)
Its a pretty good submission (good)
He's played by Keanu Reeves (okay bad, but forgivable)
In All I don't think this is a character we can just toss aside without some consideration.
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Hmm, me like. It's a simple story, very effectively told. No fancy shit. No super-weirdness. Christoffer has obviously been paying attention, at the very least, to what we do and don't like about character submissions, and hasn't fallen into the traps that so many applicants do. No Mary-Sue here.
Frankly, I find nothing at all to dislike about this submission. Well, ok, maybe Keanu Reeves, but hey, he's a bad guy so it'll make him easy to hate, right? :)
Space. As always, it's an issue, and I know there's been renewed discussion recently about how full is full. I've just done a quick count of players, counting those who post infrequently as "halves" and discounting those who haven't posted at all for a while (on the game board, at any rate). That gives us a total of 15 1/2 players (from 22 names, counting 9 full-time and 13 part-time).
This would make 23 people more or less active on the board. Yes, it's a lot, and it's yet another name to learn. And certainly not everyone will be able to be involved in all the nuances of the major season plotline. But even with people doing their own thing on the periphery, it enriches the world we write in. It gives it substance, makes it more than just a single story about a small group.
Anyway, not to beat around the bush any longer, I'm voting yes. :)
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Is it bad that I like him? :P No, of course not. I like how we have another vampire, but this one is different than all the others.
Whenever I read any of the new submissions, I pray that they aren't "Mary Sue"s. Fortunatly, this one is isn't (nor was the last one :D )
And I know we've had conflicts about room and shit (and this guy knows it) but I do like this one. He's also dedicated, since he was already a fan of Labn for Lord knows how long. Something tells me he might actually stick around unlike some of our other players *coughs at the non participating players*
The only thing that really bothers me is Keanu. The character is suppose to be an aristocrate and he picked Keanu? Please, Lord, let him not base it on Keanu's character in Francis Ford Coppola's version of Dracula *shivers at Keanu's bad accent*
But I do like him. A lot. He has my vote.
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Simply...I think its really cool, i say yes. And come on, he's from Sweden how cool is that...
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Hehehe... Shaun's more hung up on the fact that Chirstoffer's from Sweden then the actual character :P Although Sweden is a pretty badass country....
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
I like this too. I think its well thought out, but simple enough to have real potential. I think he's been paying attention too, and that's a good thing.
And, by the way, I may not think much of his acting ability, but I think Keanu's hot (ok, start throwing stone, see if I care) and I wouldn't mind looking at his picture around here.
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
we should let him in i think hes not an mary sue ridden charator like mine :x + my charator needs more friends :cry:
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Awwww *pats James on the back* Tarix can be your friend....then she can kick Jame's ass....hehe lol just kidding ;)
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Aww, poor Jamie *gives him a hug* Tis not our fault that your character gets into fights with everyone, thus resulting in him being hated :wink:
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Why not!
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
actuley so far im only realy hated by tash and chance but nearly everyone will hate me for what happens to tash *evil laught* :twisted:
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Well, then, don't complain, about having few friends, dumbass! *flicks Jamie's nose* Lmao :P
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
BTW, i was the one who chose the last option, just because I'm in a particularly aggressive mood today :twisted: and it would just be funny too mwahahahaha. Uh, apart from that my vote is a yeash, let the vampire in and we can always stake him if he's irritating - not that I'm making a judgement about the Swedes, just that I have actually been there and... enough said ;) Gee, I hope he doesn't offend too easily! 8O
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Hello, everybody!
Thanks for all the positive feedback and I`m glad that so many liked my submission.
I´m also aware of all the dangers that Hunter is not a good guy and that he will basically do anything to bring Emily back, which might actually prove as an advantage :wink:
And about the last post, no I don´t offend easily.
"Hunter" Hewitt [Accepted]
Barring any serious objections, I'll say go ahead and register for the Board, Christoffer. Just use the link at the top of the board (where it says "register" and fill it out using Hunter as your username. The rest of the info is all about you.
I'll lock this thread as soon as you are confirmed as a member.