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Soulless Zombie's picture
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Though I've expressed this to individual players throughout the course of the mid-season, I've yet to make a formal statement: this is a good story. (Guest Amanda isn't the only one reading season one).

I've been impressed by everyone's ability to get together--both outside of the game as people, and inside the game in mutual collaborations. What you've all achieved is fine teamwork. I can't believe how you've made it all come together. Is this how other online roleplaying games work?

Well, just wanted to give you a hand of applause.

Season One

Firefly's picture

This is my first online rpg so I don't know. And thank you for the praise. It was really about everyone participating and coming together. (And I know I need to do more participating.)

Season One

Soulless Zombie's picture

Your writing is clean, creative and direct "[Daye] watched the hunger and delight playing across Night Walker’s features" and your character is too interesting form me to allow you to imply that you're not participating. You're not such a posting-goof like me, but you're there. You've been there to MSN with me and answer my long-winded quetions. Your character may not be a Big Bad Watcher, but you are. :)

I don't adore how this labeling thing works. It shouldn't be just the number of posts. It should be an average of posts AND time spent as a member. But that's not something that can be changed. :x


MrDave's picture

Actually Sid, I had the same problem...

The original setting was 0-100, 101-200, 200-300, etc...

After thinking about it this is the system I devised....
0-20, 21-40, 41-80, 81-160, 161-320, 321-640, etc...

While it IS based on the number of posts, it is an EXPONENTIAL scale...people who are posting fiends, climb to the midrange fast and that's good...People who are slow but steady posters can be upgraded (say a bonus number of posts) for completing a season.

So it's pretty equitable all told.

While I am here...Have a question for you. It may be possible to "open the board" like a weird mixing pot of people. I can assign the players to a group (called "Players") who would be able to post and edit posts in the game....everyone else ("Non-player members") could read it and read the "behind the scenes" chatter...but they could not be able to post to the game board.

How do you feel about "gentrification" of the players within an open board? Or is the current "elitist" model better?

Season One

Soulless Zombie's picture

I've already voted for the elitist model. But now that I've read your question again, I'm wondering why you ask. Do you feel there's some advantage to allowing the influx of "middle-class" posters into the other boards? Based on the tone of your word choice ("gentrification"), it is positive, because it implies a renewal to the site, but it is negative, because it also implies that you feel parts of the current elitist system are deteriorating, thus requiring that we bring in a fresher perspective.

I still vote elitist unless you have reasons for the other that I've not considered.

Im with Sid.

Firefly's picture

I have to agree with Sid unless there are other levels to this question.

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