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Kaarin's picture
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Well, I know it seems wierd to put up information - even using hidden text - about a movie before it's out. However, as some of you may have heard, a BUNCH of Star Wars: Episode III images made it onto to net. I was fortunate enough to get to see a number of them, before the site in question was killed by LucasArts.

DO NOT reveal the hidden text if you don't want to know plot bits, from beginning to end.

[hide]We'll have to wait to see how the acting and scriptwriting pans out, but the effects department has definately earned its money again.

Massive space battle over Coruscant right at the start, where the Trade Federation has supposedly captured Chancellor Palpatine. Obi-Wan and Anakin mount the rescue, and Palpatine ultimately watches mainly Anakin fight Dooku. Anakin will kill Dooku, despite orders to bring him in alive.

Palpatine is finally revealed to be Darth Sidious to the Jedi somehow, confronted by Mace Windu and three other Jedi. Palpatine kills the other three Jedi, but almost falls to Windu, until Anakin later decides to oppose him. Yoda later confronts and has a lightsaber duel with Palpatine.

There's a droid commanding the Trade Federation's army, naturally. I believe he gets to be faced down by the intrepid heros.

My memory is sketchy on the rest. Except that the planet Obi-Wan and Anakin have their battle which results in Darth Vader's creation on looks absolutely amazing.[/hide]

Star Snores

MrDave's picture

It is still live: http://www.tpu.fi/~t4jlaaks/ep3/

And it pretty mch lays out the whole movie for you. So yeah, there a lots of spoilers

Star Snores

Kaarin's picture

Eh, I wonder how long that one will remain active. Lucas Arts is being damned efficient in killing these things; the first three I got referred to were all shut down within a day of accessing.

Star Snores

Heather's picture

*closes her eyes, keeps her cursor well away from the links and says 'la, la, la, la, la*

Mind you, I can pretty much guess the bullk of the plot of #3. Anakin will become Darth Vader, Padme's going to give birth to twins and then get herself killed, the twins will be split up so one hides out on Tatooine with his grandmother's family while the other one is adopted by the Organas on Alderaan, and Palpatine is going to be declared Emperor and the Republic will go to hell in a handbasket. :D

I can only hope they do a better job of this one than they did with #1 and #2. And please, God, PLEASE let Jar Jar die in the first scene. For pity's sake...

Star Snores

Meredith Bell's picture

Wow! That's some insight Heather I'm astounded! It's almost as though you somehow know what will happen as a result of a third episode, almost like, say three more movies had somehow already been made say over 20 years ago that were set AFTER the first three but were in fact made BEFORE them... wierd. :wink:

Star Snores

Sid's picture

If anyone had told me when I was ten years old that when I was thirty-three I'd be more excited about Friday's episode of Battlestar Galactica than I'd be about the new Star Wars movie, I'd have said they were crazy.

Star Snores

James_Connor's picture

kinda makes me feel dirty thinking about it

Star Snores

Heather's picture

Sid wrote:
If anyone had told me when I was ten years old that when I was thirty-three I'd be more excited about Friday's episode of Battlestar Galactica than I'd be about the new Star Wars movie, I'd have said they were crazy.

Yep, know we're you're coming from there. Sad but true. I remember coming out of Phantom Menace with a profound sense of disappointment - even betrayal. Somewhere along the line, George Lucas lost sight of the great story-telling that made the original trilogy such a success.

Thank God we at least have Battlestar Galactica to look forward to. New ep tonight!!! :D

Star Snores

Kaarin's picture

That's because the original trilogy was based upon mythic models. Specifically, it's the same story as the Seven Against Thebes or Seven Samurai.

Star Snores

Sid's picture

Natasha Brookes wrote:

Yep, know we're you're coming from there. Sad but true. I remember coming out of Phantom Menace with a profound sense of disappointment - even betrayal. Somewhere along the line, George Lucas lost sight of the great story-telling that made the original trilogy such a success.

Thank God we at least have Battlestar Galactica to look forward to. New ep tonight!!! :D

Betrayal, Heather. That's how it felt. Lucas is a great man who stepped all over sci-fantasy as we know it. And he deserves all his fame. Too bad he just sits around getting drunk nowadays. That's the only explanation I can come up with.

Adam and I had a rant together about Star Wars. Although I didn't have the time or space to properly explain myself, I expressed anger toward Yoda. For one thing, the little guy talked too much. In Empire, everything Yoda said meant something. In the later movies, he makes constant platitudes. Annoying!

And didn't Yoda tell Luke that a Jedi only uses the force defensively, never for attack? Well, as Adam pointed out, during the battle with Dooku, Yoda did fight defensively (I agree with you Adam; he didn't land a blow, is my explanation). But Yoda was the first to start kicking ass.

Yoda initiated the conflict. He should have waited for Dooku to attack. Then we could have seen Yoda's hidden skill as Sonic the Hedgehog. Yoda never should have started the fight.

"I sense much evil in you, Dooku."

Yea, really Yoda? No shit? Couldn't have figured that out without you!

I'm ranting again. I'm done.

Star Snores

MrDave's picture

Parts I-II-III are also based on classical themes from mythology as well. But where Lucas screwed up was he should have realized that even though this was already written, he could never have shown it in a way that would generate excitement.

Our imaginations were so much more vivid. Our anticipation was so much more sweet than anything he could have ever produced.

It was a lose-lose deal, and the only thing he has gained by making these movies is bazillions of dollars in cash from...oh wait a minute. That was it. never mind.

Star Snores

Meredith Bell's picture

I have issues with George Lucas that I think need counsilling to resolve. Don't get me started on Phantom Menace. Really. Just don't go there.

Star Snores

Sid's picture

Lou, usually when I write LOL it's because I'm actually COL (chuckling out loud). What you just wrote gave me a true LOL. You touched me, sister. Counseling. I need counseling about what Lucas did to his movies. Right before I dropped out of college the last time, I'd been busily writing an English essay on how George Lucas is just like his fictional Emperor:

The Emperor lured Vader into his world.
Lucas lured all of us.

The Emperor betrayed Vader to recruit Luke.
Lucas betrayed all of us to recruit the Jar-Jar Binks-Cartoon Network generation.

Well, that's all I'd come up with. You can see why I dropped out of college. :lol:

Star Snores

Heather's picture

Do you want to know the really sad part? I'm still going to go see #3... I'm like a junkie. I know it's bad for me, but I can't help myself. I keep thinking, "Maybe this time it'll be better - I won't get that crashing low afterwards."


Star Snores

Sid's picture

Yea. I will, too. I'll go, but this time, I swear, I'll remind myself of what I should expect:

50% roses. 50% crap. If you think about it, that's the way it should be. The Force is a balance.

Star Snores

Kaarin's picture

I think it's mostly closure that's getting people to Ep #3. Because we went into #1 with the hype. I know that I watched #2 in the hopes of an improvement.

But in our long discussion, the problem, as we saw it, was that Lucas lost his chance. Somewhere along the line, something happened. Orson Scott Card pointed out something in How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy that has never left me: somewhere along the line, the person we were intrested in wasn't Luke. It wasn't Leia. It wasn't even Han.

It was Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Star Wars, by Return of the Jedi, became the story of the Redemption of Darth Vader. We already saw him evil. We saw him descend, and be ever more brutal. Which made the big scene in Jedi not the fall of the Empire, but Vader throwing the Emperor down the shaft.

Because of that, we all went in to Ep I-II-III with a specific expectation: the fall of Anakin Skywalker and his transformation into Darth Vader, how he went from a Jedi Knight and became the symbol of evil.

Episode I was not Anakin's story. It was Qui-Gon's - the death of the teacher of Obi-Wan, and in a sense, Obi-Wan's own comming of age by (finally) taking on a pupil. In short, that's where a good deal of the hatred comes from: we got gyped.

Episode II should have been the first film. I wouldn't change much in it. We establish Anakin as being more rash and impulsive at times, and see him, once, give in to rage fully. A kind of dark prelude of the things to come.

Let's throw in a line about how everyone believes Palpatine is weak, ineffectual, and unambitious. You know, like how all the bloody sourcebooks say he got the job of Chancellor in the first place. Everyone who wants to fix the Republic thinks he's incorruptable; the corrupt think he'd make a good figurehead.

Episode II becomes something else. It's part of the story of the Clone Wars, but not the Fall. It does, however, allow the Fall. It's culminating moment in the series is when Anakin actually gives in and uses the Dark Side, but fully intending to do something noble. And he protests that he is in control. He's harnesing the power of the Dark Side to serve good.

Episode III is the fall. It's when Anakin is finally driven over the edge. He has something good he tries to acomplish, and fails. Probably something like saving Padme. In effect, it's an episode with two halves.

Part One: Anakin tries to acomplish the good. He fails - even with the power of the Dark Side. His rage is finally enough to send the young hothead to the Dark Side completely. Culminates in the duel with Obi-wan.

Part Two: Anakin is now Lord Vader. We see the beginnings of his career as Dark Lord. Probably at some point he kills Mace Windu, beginning the purge of the Jedi Knights. Oh, and Palpatine declares himself Emperor with Vader at his side.

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