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Soulless Zombie's picture


Two things about your character...

She owns a vast quantity of artillery, poisons, weapons and disguises. She carries a lot of them with her, although this is un-obvious to most people. She has the familiar of a black falcon and owns a tiny black venomous dragon that she keeps in a tinder box.

A familiar is a magical pet. So please nix the hawk. In that same vein, nix the dragon (unless it like a carving of a dragon or something like that...but an actual dragon? I don't care how tiny it is...no).

The second thing is you mention your precious boots several times...but then don't mention them here. Why?

Character Notes

Soulless Zombie's picture

ok, i'm on it. Is a monkey ok? a NON MAGICAL monkey
hehe. Just a monkey. Like a pet. lickle black spider monkey/makak type thing. and I guess i'd mentioned the boots so many times, i forgot to mention them in the items. nvrmind. i'll change that.

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MrDave's picture

I don't really have a problem with the Monkey. But I wonder why the need for a pet? A horse...sure. You gotta get from place to place somehow.

But a monkey? It screeches at inopportune times its always running off, you gotta feed it and it may bite or throw feces. Not something I would have if I were an assasin.

But you want it...I guess so. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?

Character Notes

Soulless Zombie's picture

WEll... i don't really know why. but ideas i threw together include:
Killing people can be a lonely job.
and also, distractions can always be helpful, when you're trying to kill soemone as quietly as possible.
I still don't really know, but there you go....
plus I don't really like horses (waits for alice to bash her over the head).
ne hoos, thanx fr the info


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