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Though Sid has decided to close the display case. It has sparked an idea in this particular lurker
How about a end-of-Season awards ceremony?
We could nominate players in a number of categories such as
best comic moment
Best plot device
Most Tragic love affair...
Grossest scene
anyway I'm sure yopu guys can come up with some ideas for possible awards.
If you've got any categories you'd like to include post 'em up here and I'll collate a list of the best. Come the end season two I'll ask for nominations for each category and we the members of the academy of LABN can vote on them.
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End of Season Awards
Much better idea than I had.
End of Season Awards
Simple enough to get votes with the polls feature. I like it!
Here's some categories I'd like to win...er...vote on for awards:
Best Love Scene
Best Fight Scene (nicknamed the "Tempest award")
Best NPC
Best "out-of-the-ass" moment (for improvising a solution by the introduction of an outside plot device)
Best Dialogue
And the Nominations for Best NPC are...
Ok i'd like to make nominations for Best NPC.
My first vote goes to Ian Pollock - a real character unto himself, steals a scene - makes us wanna puke and punch his face in... so swarve and sophisticated.... :D
Second vote goes to Valerian, only reason he didn't steal first was because we just haven't seen enough of him, maybe in season 2...
My third and final nomination goes to my own shining example of bitchiness Inanna Fairchild, she cried, she was tied up and became a walking happy meal for Sorrow - she was a prime example of bitchiness in the midseason, now if only that had been in Season 1 she might have made number 2...
That's it for this award!!
For best Fight Scene, I suggest the following Nominations for Season 1:
Cian vs The Witches at the House in Pasadena. No quarter asked and none given...
Tempest vs Cian I almost hate to toot my own horn, but that was some god violence.
Tempest in the Beazor Blood Guts and unbridaled mahem
my nominations
For Most Tragic Couple
Kate and Luc - This was a tough call. After all they were kept apart by the forces of witchy jealousy, and before they could even get past the cataclysmic odds stacked against them, the poor guy bought the farm saving her from a fate worse than death. Does it get any worse than that?
Jade and Sorrow - She's the half vampire daughter of an ancient evil that destroyed everything she loved. He turns out to be the half vampire child of the same monster. How star crossed can you get?
End of Season Awards
Damn it, that reminds me I forgot my own bloody NPC's - the lot, the guy's who died. Luc and Serapis, even evil ol' Janus was frequent enough in visions *sigh*
Ok Serapis was EVIL mega bad, manipulating Kate's life from an early age and doing everything he could to keep her and Luc apart *sobs* oh yeah i forget how sad this is....
and Luc, he loved Kate so much *sobs* and then died! *sobs* and that was such a toughie - dead, or not dead? Maybe he was too much Kate's sidekick to be a truely great NPC though...
But Serapis was wicked! And I tell you that bio was a bloody bugger to compose! Nothing like a truely evil wicca bent on controling the forces of darkness to make your skin crawl...
So, this was really a post for Badest Bad Guy I suppose... and an ode to me forgetting some of my best creations...
Maybe we should have a 'Best Exit' award? or a 'Most Missed Deceased' :D
End of Season Awards
I want a most tragic couple award!
I am a 2000 year old demon with a soul whose evil half like to torment me while taking unauthorized excursions out of my body and I'm in love with a vampire hunter psychic with the memories of a 593 old voodoo priestess!
End of Season Awards
How about "The Best Rookie" Award? Just my suggestion :P
End of Season Awards
I think that would be like a 'Best Newcomer' right? Actually that could spark alot of tension, i'd prefer to steer clear of awards like 'Best PC' and the type - and concentrait on individual scenes or plot idea, awards that recognise good writing and improvisation/planning.
So, a few more for the melting pot...
Already suggested a 'Baddest Badass' award and a "Best Exit' - deaths and departures.
BTW was that, 'Best Love Scene' award - like 'Most tenderest Moment'? OR 'Hottest Sex Scene'? :D
How about 'Best Philosophical Moment' - 'Best Tear-Jerker'
'Most Profound Thought'....
End of Season Awards
How about "Most Awkward Moment?"
End of Season Awards
I think Lou is right. Sid folded his "Siddy" becasue he didn't want to single out INDIVIDUALS...but it is fun to have a passel of awards that we can award to the characters, scenes, and moments within the game becasue they are truely cooperative.
Also for simplicity (and to increase nominations) if you suggest a category, lets suggest at least one nominations.
Lets tentatively say we are closing nominations for categories and nominations with the opening of Season 2 (Aug 6th) and I'll set up a poll for voting and lock it after a Aug 15th (when we close midseason) since that makes a nice overlap.
best comic moment
these couple of scenes from season one had us all cracking up... who could forget...
1) talhu's drunken scene with tash and victor... "look mommy, i see stars..." :lol:
2) ian's scene with the amulet, just before the beazor attack. i went into fits of giggles when ian told that chappie to go fuck himself... like... owwww!
best love scenes...
i was wondering too... like lou asked... when we nominate for the best love scene award, do we judge it on a tender moment or a raunchy sex bit?
is this a good idea?
How about two different awards to reflect the two very different ways a love scene can go. Something like
Sweetest Love Scene and Hottest Scene?