![Soulless Zombie's picture Soulless Zombie's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cbe1e9ca18a7c3109b488187efdef811.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG&f=y)
If we have book recommendations, why not movie recommndations? This is more for me than anyone else. I need a place to look before I go to the video store; otherwise, I'll just wander around and end up renting something disappointing.
If you're so inclined, use the following format. If you hate formats, just give us a title and anything else you feel like adding.
Title is what the movie is called. If the movie is a remake, inclusion of the year it was made would be appreciated
Class is the same as Genre. But some movies are hard to classify in a neat word. I'd call Buffy the Vampire Slayer a Humor/Horror/Drama.
Next, all things considered, what grade would you give the movie? A? D+? C-. B- - ("bee minus minus")? Remember, a movie might get an F+ but still be hella fun to watch, thereby deserving a recommendation. Need I say Plan 9 From Outter Space?
A Outstanding
B Good
C Average
D Poor
F Phh!
The formula is a quick arbitration of what makes up the movie. Perhaps Jaws is Duel + Jacques Cousteau. Perhaps Fight Club is The Graduate + Heathers + (A Beautiful Mind / 2).
Yeah. I've got too much time on my hands. I don't sleep.
Anyway, next:
Suggest a means of seeing the movie. Possibilities:
See it big screen opening night
See it big screen
See it big screen matinee
See it big screen 99 cent discount movie / double feature
Rent it New
Rent it Old
See it on HBO/Showtime/etc
See it as the movie of the week
Watch it on a fuzzy, local channel when you're strung out at 3 AM
Don't see it (in which case, this isn't a recommendation...it's a warning)
Commentary: thoughts on the movie?
Title: Changing Lanes
Class: Suspense
Grade: C
Formula: Tin Men + Falling Down - rewatchability
Means: Rent it new or old
Commentary: I enjoyed it. Not full of surprises, but it didn't strike me as mindless. The acting was adequate.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Oh, definitely. Aharg. :)
Dave and I have been to see it twice now. So much fun. :D
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Pah....Pirates. It's only worth seeing for Johnny Depp. Get Donnie Darko out :p
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
ok mett yer rippin the arse outta the donne darko thing
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Hehehe...I'm sorry. I'm so addicted... :cry:
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
there there there there *pat pat *
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Okay, just rememberd this hehehe. Film called Confidence, gangster-type like Ocean's Elven or Bandits. Very good film that is well thought-out and scripted. The twist is good as well, but I'm not saying anymore besides "go see it" cos i'll spoil it :P
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Jeannie Beannie and I saw a sneak preview of Matchstick Men the other night. It was quirky and cool. If you get a chance see it.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
mmmmmmmmmmmm, foxy brit rachel weisz plays in it :P and they say brit women are manly
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
i dont know if anyone has already recommended this, but we (meg, jeni and boojy) saw blackball today, its soooooooo funny! all i have to say is
"is it on the condom?"
"the ball is on teh condom"
and see it, then ull understand
he he he he he he
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Aoid "The Order" at all costs. Not even Aussie pretty boy HEath Ledger can make the movie good. BLAH i wanted to vomit all over the writer.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
New vampire film out: Underworld. It's apparently about a war between vampries and werewolves. Could be kinda cheesy, but being a vampire fan i'm gonna have to check it out.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Oh My God!!! Once Upon A Time in Mexico totally rocked! Go now and see it! I command you all!
Just kidding.
But the movie was awesome.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I haven't seen it yet, but am toooootally SQWEEE about it:
Pirates of the Carribean!
I've heard only great things about it! and its got yummy orlando bloom and johny depp 8) OH and apparently Geoffrey Rush goes "AAARRRRRRRGGGGGG" and tis absolutely hilareous :mrgreen: though that may just be stupid me and my silly friends :oops:
Oh! OMG! i don't know if anyone else has mentioned it yet, but:
Finding Nemo :mrgreen: SQWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! much luv!
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I saw The Italian Job on the plane home from Orlando, it was okay, the car scenes were pretty cool as you'd expect and the plot was decent. It isn't as good as the original ("You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!") :D but then I don't think anyone expected it to be.
Oh, high point, lots of Seth Green action hehe, he plays the computer geek to perfection. Enemy of the State anyone? ;)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Seth Green = Yay! Yar, I heard his role was similar to that in Enemy of the State.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Something about Mary... crappo. Was watching it coz I had nothing better to do, and ten minutes before the end, some dude turend it off with no warning, saying it was disturbing him so we shouldn't watchn it. I didn't mention that I hear worse language at school, mainly form the teachers, or that SEX happenes everyday. (Mogs & Jeni, I think he has issues with disturbation ^_~) The thing is, I will probs never see the end as it was a crap movie, and i shall never again be motivated to wach it. Cameran Diaz has no tush. that makes me angry, as it is not natural. But junerally an un-shibby movie... if in doubt, don't bother.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
LOL, I agree with you about Cameran Diaz's lack of bootie, that girl needs to march her lack of ass down to the nearest Burger King for a Flame Whopper.
If you WANT a good laugh then rent The Wedding Singer. Honestly me my mum and sister totally pissed ourselves laughing watching this film, (well I had a bad case of hiccups and a sore throat but you know what I mean). THis is totally the BEST Adam Sandler movie I've ever seen and if you remember how sad the eighties were you'll laugh even more!
The scene where Sandler sings 'Love Stinks' at a wedding after being dumped by his girlfriend is classic!
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Well I watched the trailers and I read the website and since it is openeing tomorrow I looked for reviews of the movie "Underworld". But suspiciously, there weren't any.
Everywhere I went I found statements similar to this:
Thank GOD for Googles Cache features. Which allowed me to read this review (and about a half-dozen more like it):
Google Cached Review (long URL)
Wow. Normally I don't go by the reviews, but judging by the volume of bad press and the attempts by Screen Gems to bury the bad press I think I will wait for this to go to video or HBO
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
hehehe, u wanna see some funny stuff, rent Old School...i saw it for the billionth time last weekend and still laughed my freaking ass off til i had a heart attack...the wedding scene and will ferrell singing 'Dust in the Wind' was priceless...
btw, National Lampoon's Animal House is out on DVD as well...dear god, that is a classic...bless john belushi's soul, that man was just too too too funny...HOLY SHIIIIT-UH, HOLY SHIIIIT-UH
"hey! arent u in pre-med?"
"pre-med. pre-law. same thing."
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Yeah I have to say Dave, I'm hugely disapointed. I saw the trailer for Underworld when I went to see the suckfest of 2003 - The Matrix: Reloaded, and I thought it rocked. But all the reviews I've read say in a roundabout way that it's a pile of, well, Matrix Reloaded (aka, crap). About the best to say is that Kate Beckinsale wears skin tight PVC throughout - whatever floats your boat I guess ;)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
^5 to all who think Matrix Reloaded sucked hard and are probably gonna waste more money to see Revolutions...*sigh* only a matter of months before ROTK comes out and rocks our boats solid
marry me Arwen :P
oooh, btw, Kill Bill is out in October :twisted: :P :twisted: :P :twisted: :P
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Add me to the list of people who thought Matrix: Reloaded had very few redeeming features. I wasted 2 1/2 hours of my life on that film. And having read the cached review Dave pointed us to, I think I've changed my mind about wanting to see Underworld... Sounds awful.
On a good note, Dave and I went to see "American Splendour". Well, ok, it's titled "American Splendor" but I hate looking at that word without the 'u'. :)
It's not your ordinary film by any means, and it certainly won't appeal to everyone. It's essentially a biography of Harvey Pekar who started a comic called "American Splendor" back in the mid-70's. The 'hero' of the comic was himself, and he simply detailed his own life as a low-paid hospital records clerk. This film about Pekar's life is part dramatisation, part interview, part animation. And very, very good. I highly recommend it to anyone with a worldview that's slightly 'off' from the norm.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Am i like the only person in the world who liked Reloaded? Perhaps I'll like Underwold then...I guess we'll see. And am I the only who's looking forward to Revolutions? Ah well...
But ROTK....drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool can't wait for that either!
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
*I* liked Reloaded, Matt. It suffers hugely from "second movie syndrome" but overall I thought it was both true to the first film and sets you up for the second one. But all of that exposition HAS to go somewhere...
Ever since the "Back To The Future" deal that Robert Zemekis made to make parts II AND III at the same time the trend has been to sign multi-movie deals to do just that.
LucasFilm filmed parts of I, II, and III all at the same time so that they could have continuity. LOTR was a three part production all at once. Reloded and Revolutions same thing.
Kill Bill is going to be a two part film becasue Tarantino wouldn't cut his 4 hour epic to 2 hours.
So what does this mean to the consumer? Expect to pay for any blockbuster movie twice. $8.50 a pop here in Annapolis. Three times if it is an epic. They should start a plan where if you come back for part DEUX with a ticket stub from part UN you get $2.00 off or something.
I don't mind supporting big films and blockbusting budgets IF I am getting a good film. I am willing to stand back and say "okay I see where they are going" and come back to see if I am right if they are consistent across the board.
But lately...if the trend continues then movies are going to implode and we are going to wind up with the movie serials of the 30's and 40's with CGI effects. Imagine "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" coming soon as a 6-part epic film in 2-hour increments relased in January, March, May, July, September and November 2005!
Gurarantee it will seem just as cheesy and we will show up in droves.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Yay, somebody else likes it! :D And yar, i agree with that second movie syndrome stuff.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
MUahahhaa, Ill be first to post this..
ok despite really bad reviews, I came out of the theatre liking it alot. The plot wasnt super strong, the acting not great, but it was entertaining, and the Lycons (aka werewolves) are really cool...
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Yes, I understand your concern Dave, about movies coming in threes or even sixes, but you have to agree with me too, that some stories cannot be abbreviated!
I'm speaking about LOTR here, they couldnt possibly have made it in less than three movies, and all in all a lot had to be left out of the movie for it to fit in an almost three hour film each!!
And there are a lot of books worth filming that are just too long!! I would love to see a movie about Anne McCaffrey's "Dragons of Pern", for example, or Ursula K. LeGuinn's fantastic series, or ... (hell! so many books I know I want and now I cant think of a single one :? ) Any of those would take more than one film to be seriously dealt with.
I wouldnt mind a discount in the ROTK movie though :wink:
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Phone Booth, despite the name and the fact it's almost entirely filmed in a phone booth, is actually a damn cool film. I totally recommend you go see it!
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Oh, I've been hanging out to see Phone Booth ever since I saw the short for it months ago in Aust. But I just haven't got around to it yet... Hmm, trip to Blockbuster in order soon, methinks.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
phone booth + colin farrell = nuff said :P :twisted:
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
On a much lighter note...
Bringing Down the House was totally hilarious. I rented it last weekend and I have to say two things...Steve Martin rocks, and Eugene Levy is a genius who never seems to age. This was a very funny movie.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Really? You liked it? I saw Bringing Down the House on the airflight to Orlando and I have to say I wasn't all that impressed. Though Queen Latifa was pretty funny I found Steve Martin's rehashed over active inarticulate and archetypal 'prissy white man' routine to be pretty dull, humiliating and otherwise annoying. By the time he decided to dress up as a 'brother' and go rapping at a club I was begging the steward to bring me another drink for the pain. :?
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I'm definitely with Lou on this one. Dave and I started watching "Bringing Down the House" the other day, and neither of us are the sort to really give up on anything half way through, but at the point where Steve Martin was trying to pass off Queen Latifah as the kids' nanny and smuggling her into the house behind the giant blue plastic pool li-lo we decided we'd had enough of a bad thing and turned it off.
Steve Martin is one of those actors whose performance can be incredibly good or incredibly over the top. Unfortunately, lately he seems to be opting for the ott much more, and this film was no exception. The 'humour' was all based on the humiliation and embarrassment of the characters and that, to me, is the least funny form of comedy. I'm afraid the movie was obvious, overblown and quite simply, cringe-worthy. Not even amusing, let alone funny.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
[=Maroon]Ok, I was in SUCH a movioe watching mood, and still am infact. Rummaging throuhg the piles of videos by our TV i found one labled "the Lost Boys" and something else I couldn't really read. thinking that it would be a good idea to watch one of the decent vampire movies, I put the tape in.
It was halfway through, but another film was just starting.
Spoonface Steinberg
Starring: Ella Jones, Linda Bassett, Helen McCrory, Mark Strong, and another girl who does Spoonfaces vioce, but I can't find it.
This is the very short british film which started off as a radio play, about a little girl called Spoonface Steinberg. She is autistic, or "backward" as she calls it, but happy with the person that she is. the film is a narrative, where the only voice ever heard is Spoonface narrating. she tells the audience of how now she is dying of cancer, and how her family life was like. Moving closer to death, she gives profound insights into the world, and her meaning and what it will be like after death. As a child, specifically autistic, she tells things with innocence, and a mild lack of understanding which may be more intelligent than it could have been if she had understood all that her parents meant when they talked.
The simplicity with which she explains situations such as
"Then we went into a room, so that mum could cry, and I could play with the lego. Then the doctores came in and said the machines had come up with an answer, and the answer was that Spoonface was going to die."
This really is beutiful, and nearly had me in tears. It reminded me of a book "through a glass, darkly" which also featured a litle girl dying of cancer, but I definately prefer Spoonface Steinberg. The though contant ramblings of a small girl can get a bit tedious, this is overrun by the brilliance of the movie. PLEASE rent, buy, or get the script book.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I have to make this recomendation to everyone very forcefully: King Rat. This is easily the best war movie I've seen, even beating out Patton; and on top of that, it is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time (yes, this includes Lord of the Rings in the consideration, for you Tolkein fans).
I was recomended the film by a professor of mine, and he was right: I did not regret renting it, and doubt the rest of you will regret it either. It's a 1965 film in Black and White, about a group of British and American Prisoner's of War held by the Japanese.
Forget the current tripe Hollywood feeds us. :)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
hehe, i just came back from seeing Kill Bill...the 4th film by Quentin Tarantino 8) :P ...this has got to be one of the funniest movies ive ever seen, not to mention stylish...this film is above all about style...the fighting sequences are incredibly well done...but the thing is, IMO, its probably a film for fans or people who grew up with hong kong/samurai/spaghetti westerns/anime...it is an homage to the genres i just listed, so the exaggerated parts r just too damn funny...
the script isnt Pulp Fiction, then again no film is, but it is Tarantino nevertheless...the damn coffee is in this movie also :P ...uma thurman is a uber-vixen in this movie, lets hope now that im not the only one who holds her in high regard...and lucy liu :P
oh yeah, there r so many bruce lee nods (uma's replica of his game of death outfit, yes, i flipped when i saw it...ahahah, and the green hornet masks were too damn funny) in this :P much to my rejoice...anime fans will be pleased as well, the soundtrack is goddam killer
the film might not be for everyone, but if u like (or love) QT or any of the genres i just mentioned, then this is definitely a film to check out...brilliantly solid!!!
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
forgot to post this, but I saw Underworld like ages ago. It is a very cool and groovy film (though i did noticed the filming typed changed every now and again). Well worth seeing and perfectly set up for a 2 or even 3.
The only thing i do have aginst it is that it stole my idea for a character grrr.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I just saw Kill Bill, and I got to say, I agree with Ric. What an awsome movie. VERY violent, but cool none the less.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
We saw "Love Actually" last week. WOW! What an amazing movie. This was so deep and fun and cool. It even made my hard as a rock husband cry a bit. It was so good. This movie appeals to anyone who has ever loved anyone, and I mean anyone, even a child to a parent and vise versa. I really urge you all to see it.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Yar i'm thirding the opinion on Kill Bill. Truly entertaining! Made even better by the fact that about five of us got into it, even though it was an 18 and we're 1-2yrs below that (17 and 16) :D
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
ahahahahahah, funny u should mention Kill Bill and age
...im 23 and they carded me because according to them i didnt even look of minimum age to see the film which is...
16 8O
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
No way...
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
hehe baby-face ;)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Ric is just plain baby..... :D
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Ok, this is a warning NOT to see Intolerable Cruelty. You'd think Catherine Zeta-Jones and George (swoony) Clooney would be a good bet huh? You'd be wrong as I was, it was two hours of absolute drivel, the characters never really clicked together, there was no real passion or emotion that ever seemed genuine. At the end of it I was left feeling cold and wondering why Clooney felt the need to wear so much eye-liner (was it an homage to Boy George I wonder??)
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
On the reverse:
Matrix: Revolutions came out in the UK yesterday. Me and the guys headed into Southampton and managed to get in to a 6pm showing.
Oh, man. Droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! It was sooooo amazing! (Note: I am a complete Matrix geek :P.) Such a good end to the trilogy and well worth watching.
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
I've not seen Revolutions yet, but I've heard other reports from those who have that it was fairly so-so. Reloaded was an incredible disappointment after the first film, and from what I hear, Revolutions is not much better than #2. Of course I'll still go see it, simply to finish the trilogy. But I'm not holding out high hopes...
Movie Recommendations (or warnings)
Oh yeah, and I still think Dark City was a better movie than The Matrix - and Dark City came out first. :P