\ Movie Recommendations (or warnings) | unlimitedi.net
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Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Soulless Zombie's picture
Posted in

If we have book recommendations, why not movie recommndations? This is more for me than anyone else. I need a place to look before I go to the video store; otherwise, I'll just wander around and end up renting something disappointing.

If you're so inclined, use the following format. If you hate formats, just give us a title and anything else you feel like adding.


Title is what the movie is called. If the movie is a remake, inclusion of the year it was made would be appreciated

Class is the same as Genre. But some movies are hard to classify in a neat word. I'd call Buffy the Vampire Slayer a Humor/Horror/Drama.

Next, all things considered, what grade would you give the movie? A? D+? C-. B- - ("bee minus minus")? Remember, a movie might get an F+ but still be hella fun to watch, thereby deserving a recommendation. Need I say Plan 9 From Outter Space?

A Outstanding
B Good
C Average
D Poor
F Phh!

The formula is a quick arbitration of what makes up the movie. Perhaps Jaws is Duel + Jacques Cousteau. Perhaps Fight Club is The Graduate + Heathers + (A Beautiful Mind / 2).

Yeah. I've got too much time on my hands. I don't sleep.

Anyway, next:

Suggest a means of seeing the movie. Possibilities:

See it big screen opening night
See it big screen
See it big screen matinee
See it big screen 99 cent discount movie / double feature
Rent it New
Rent it Old
See it on HBO/Showtime/etc
See it as the movie of the week
Watch it on a fuzzy, local channel when you're strung out at 3 AM
Don't see it (in which case, this isn't a recommendation...it's a warning)

Commentary: thoughts on the movie?


Title: Changing Lanes
Class: Suspense
Grade: C
Formula: Tin Men + Falling Down - rewatchability
Means: Rent it new or old
Commentary: I enjoyed it. Not full of surprises, but it didn't strike me as mindless. The acting was adequate.


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Im going to back Mat and say Matrix 3 was awsome....and im not even a Matrix fan.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture

Just saw matrix 3...MAN THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!
:mrgreen: i don't care what anyone says, it was just too good for words. Won't spoil it but it was better then matrix 2, a recommened woatching!!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Mantheana's picture

After being harshly disappointed by the second matrix movie, i would say, DO watch the third one. it is better, even thouhg I found my self laughing at keanu reeves in some really awkward places. (he's SO dense, and cries like a loooooser - teehee :P) Um. The action scenes were pretty spiffy, I have to say, and there is one moment when you see what battle is about, like pure battle in one moment. Which is cool. Plus people on the ceilings. I wish *i* could do that. Oh well, ja, go see it, it will at least put your mind to reast about the second one.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kieran's picture

wow, anybody in the mood for a great documentary, check out Tupac: Resurrection...the movie was insane, not only did 2pac's voice send chills down my friend's and my spines, it was such a thought-provoking film as well...in the end, u get to see the two faces of 2Pac, not to mention to really witness how he had a way with words...truly remarkable guy...it's a sad life, filled with so much potential, genius and waste...the guy is truly an intense individual
heh, not to mention, it's got its funny parts (2Pac in MC Hammer pants 8O ) anybody who likes his stuff or just a good biopic, give this a look!!!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

I think I'll go ahead and recomend Ferris Bueller's Day Off, just for fun. Tis an Ode to Skipping School. Something all college/graduate students should learn to do. :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Learn? LEARN?!? Hell, I could give a class on it. But everybody would skip it all the time :P

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Allyana's picture

NO!! NO CLASSES please!

Dont talk about school! I'm in holidays, I'm on holidays, I'm on holidays!

:D :D :D

till March, till March, till March!!

:D :D :D

Envy me, envy me, envy me!!

:D :D :D

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

*Grumbles off angrily as he goes into his study seclusion for a week.*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

*Grumbles, but doesn't go into seclusion and only pretends to be studying*

*stabs Ally nonetheless :P*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

*procrastinates his latin gleefully*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kieran's picture

hahahahhahaha....shaun + study seclusion...should be in one of those oxymorons...are u in seclusion cuz everyone else is?!?!?!??!!?!?

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

MrDave's picture

Upcoming film...looks mighty cool. All you FL players need to see it before Adam does otherwise it'll give him too many cool ideas.


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Too late. Getting them from the trailer. ;)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Mantheana's picture

The SHINING! (not about pretty sparkling things, as one might assume)

Ah, I watched this twice recently, due to a stream of co-incedeces. The point was I think this move is very well ac ted and directed. All the actors are sarily convincing. Everyone knows the "here's johnny!" line and my gosh you really beleive thats what Jack nicholson is like by the end of it. The woman does SUCH a good hyseterical, and a good interpretation of someone not used to dealing with violence. Being able to work yourself up into that sort of state shows good acting skills, I think.

The music is AMAZING and adds so much to the totally atmosphere of the movie. The imagery used is very well done, although some is a little confusing (man in bear suit... was he doing what I think he was doing?)

The only thing is I DON'T GET THE ENDING. People have told me that is a recurrence of timeline, but i still need a more detailed explaination. If someone feels they can explain it, then PLEASE do. But still... If you haven't already, watch it!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture

Did anyone see the Simpsons spoof of the Shining? heheh berry funny...

*blood flows out of the elevator doors that open*

Mr Burns: "Thats wierd...usually the blood gets off on the second floor..."


tee hee heheh...ok i'll shut up now...

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kieran's picture

ahhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, me and my bro saw ROTK @ midnite last nite...

HOY F***K...it was seriously insane! it was my favorite of the chapters, but also on film...only one thing bugged me that was left out (cough * no rangers * cough), but it was fantastic nonetheless...

i couldnt believe how good Jackson constructed Minas Tirith...unbelievable as it was almost exactly how i pictured it in the book

hehe, i think ill be seeing this more than 3 times :roll:

btw, i know aragorn is a star (hes my fave) but any Eomer fans here????? hehe, hes got some serious thunder in these films :P

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture

Oh, good! I've always loved Eomer. I first read the Lord of the Rings when I was about 10 years old, and have read them umpteen times since. Eomer's always been among my favourite characters. :) Along with 'Dernhelm', of course. :wink:

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

*reads first line of Ric's post...closes eyes and skips to bottom of page, opens eye slightly to find reply button and click on it*

I was just about to say: if anybody ANYBODY mentions ROTK, having seen it before me, they WILL have to face the Evil Ninja Monkeys.

Ric, they're already on their way. Heather, you're on the list :P

As far as I'm concerend, ROTK comes out on friday. When I see it. As for you lot...well...you've come back in time from Friday.

Just don't do anything to disrupt the timeline, like stopping yourself from travelling back in time. 'Cause then the universe would implode. And i'd never get to see ROTK. And that will suck. So don't.

Now, you have been warned. Anybody else says anything, they face flogging with The Big Stick, and possibly heather's whip, if the Ninja Monkeys manage to prize it from her cold, dead hands...;)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

*raises hand* i shall kill anyone who mentions anything about ROTK before friday the 26th. in fact... that's the earliest you only MIGHT be able to mention something without a spoiler warning at the ver' least in some special spoiler section :P hehe

yes, yes, ROTK is not coming out down here until next week :P i don't care, so long as it's not spoiled, hehe. i even avoided reading the books for three years so i wouldn't know what was going to happen :P

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture


*yup you guess it, she saw lotr*


*but because she loves her life and doesn't have a deathwish, she won't mention exactly wat she saw, her lips are sealed*


*but i'm sure you can guess, it was GOOD!!!!*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

James_Connor's picture

heh ... its a bit this is a conversation that me and my friend had

Jamie: "my dad seen the new lotr movie today he says ..." *hit by book*

andy: "dude dont tell me anything i want to see how it ends "

jamie : "dude you read the book , in fact you fucking hit me with the book "

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Oh, im among the peeps who have seen it. Tis REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

MrDave's picture

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture


*wipes tears from eyes*

Yes, quite...

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Ok, just came back from seeing ROTK...so if you haven't seen it yet, then skip this whole post and pretend it doesn't exist until you have...







No, wow doesn't really cover it. I feel I have to add some sort of explicit term to fully carry me feelings.

Fucking incredible!

OMFG that was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic! I cannot beleive how good it was! I was actually speechless after it ended! It was just done sooooo well, even with some parts ommitted (that I'm looking forward to in the Extended DVD...btw, 3 hrs 20mins + extended footage, man that's gonna be a long film! LOTR marathon session anybody? :P)

That sequence with Faramir's suicide mission........drooooooooooooooooool! That whole sequence was just filmed so...so perfectly!

The battle scenes were incredible and impressive...the sound, sight and feeling of 2,000+ horses charging...so glad we don't live in the middle ages heh :P

Most definately my fav of the trilogy. OMG it was awesome...soooo wanna watch it again! :D

Btw, I'm more of an Imrahil fan myself> He's just so cool...

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture

Chance wrote:
(that I'm looking forward to in the Extended DVD...btw, 3 hrs 20mins + extended footage, man that's gonna be a long film! LOTR marathon session anybody? :P)

Actually gabs geek, the us, the collective, call us wat you may (hehehe Helen's and Rhee's idea to call us the collective like the borg)...we are planning on doing that as soon as the third dvd is released and we get our paws on it....

So whose coming to manchester then :P heheh

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Hehe already got it planned down here too. 3 films, both games, suround sound, lots of munchies....:D

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture


I know everyone's already waxed lyrical about ROTK, but it was just completely frigging AWESOME. The... and the... and when they... OMG!!!!

*faints from the excitement of it all*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Allyana's picture

Want to curse in good Spanish but... today I called the cinema... and they dont even know when they'll show it!!! incredible!!

Third world sucks!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

MrDave's picture

'nuff said actually

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Just saw two more movies for the first time, and feel compelled to offer brief reviews here. The Ref was fairly seasonal, being set around Christmas. In which Denis Leary plays a criminal who ends up kidnapping a bickering couple on the verge of a divorce, and has to play 'ref' for them. Hilarious.

But I was most surprised by the other movie that I just finished watching. Wishmaster was enjoyable, a true psychological horror movie - the second film in the franchise had only Andrew Divoff to recomend it and the third.... well, the best scene was when John Novak explained how the Djinn were the cause of the Trojan War.

I didn't expect to find an excellent film in the fourth installment of the franchise, Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled. Rent it, watch it. There's some fun remarks the Djinn makes about human experience and human love, which is about all I can say. Though it does follow the general formula for a Wishmaster movie: the heroine is an attractive young lady who wakes the Djinn, and he then proceedes to try to extract his three wishes from her.

Surprisingly, this installment was, I dare say, better than the original.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Soulless Zombie's picture

Movie 1: Freaky Friday - don't laugh!

It is possibly not as good as the original but i still enjoyed it with my gang of girlfriends! It's a laugh, but I have to say I wouldn't bother to see it again.

Movie 2: Stuck on you

It is really funny, but you have to be in one of those silly funny moods, otherwise i don't think anyone would laugh but we went and enjoyed it SO much!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Let me give another non-formulaic review for The Prophecy.

The premise of the movie is that there is a second, ongoing war in Heaven. Originally Lucifer was cast out, and now that man shares in God's grace... a group of Angels led by Gabriel (Chris Walken) have decided that they want it back the way it was. Look out for an appearance by Vigo Mortesson here as well.

It's fairly intruiging actually and all it really needs to recomend it is Chris in his role. But aside from that it is pretty well acted.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

And another fun movie is seen, Crossworlds. All you really need to recomend this movie is one thing - Rutger Hauer. It's a little strange what with some of the dimensional shifting that goes on, and the villain a bit... strange... but overall it was an enjoyable experience.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Simryn's picture

Just a weeeeee bit obsessed, aren't'cha :wink: Maybe I should watch it so I'll know where your strange quotes are always coming from~ I work at a video store so I probably watch more movies than is healthy and my recommendations are:

Whale Rider~ set in New Zealand and revolves around a Maori tribe leader and his granddaughter. Somewhat formulaic but still worth watching with some interesting insights into Maori culture and the soundtrack is beautiful as well! Starring: Keisha Castle-Hughes (nominated for best actress at this years academy awards)

The Fifth Element~ This movie ROCKS! Even though some would disagree. Besides the sprinkling of comedy, romance and sci.fi. action AND the great soundtrack, it's a chick with cool hair and she saves the world~ nuff said 8) Starring: Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm & Chris Tucker

12 Monkeys~ I don't know about originality: post-apocalyptic world involves a man(Bruce Willis) going back into the past to discover how the world was destroyed and stop it if he can. Also Starring: Brad Pitt & Madeleine Stowe

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Nah, just lazy. And a procrastinator. That's why it takes until late monday night to review a movie seen Saturday morning that's good enough to recomend. :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture

Of the last five films reviewed I have this to say:

The Prophecy - yes, absolutely. Christopher Walken is, as always, amazing, and there's an interesting take on the role of angels in this movie. Mind you, the sequels aren't nearly so good, though #2 still has some merit. Forget #3 entirely...

Whale Rider - OMG! If you've not seen it, do so right now. No, I don't care if it's not showing at your cinema any more. Make them play it for you.

Fifth Element - Gary Oldman. What else needs be said? Seen this one several times.

12 Monkeys - yep, got that one on dvd too.

Crossworlds - good grief, you mean there's a Rutger Hauer movie I haven't seen? Bloody hell - must go find this one.

BTW, I went to see Veronica Guerin yesterday at Rosebud cinema with my mum. Awesome movie, starring Cate Blanchett. It's based on a true story about a journalist in Ireland who uncovers the activities of the local drug lords. Definitely a must-see for anyone.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Ok, I saw 50 First Dates on Saturday for Valentine's Day. It was good. It was very funny, with a lot of the silly humor you usually associate with an Adam Sandler movie. If you like Sandler (and I do, a lot) then you will definitely like this movie. It does have a decidedly sweet, serious, and kind of sad side to it as well, and I think it's a great romantic movie to go see with a date.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Simryn's picture

Mel Gibson's The Passion

I have no words...

Do NOT go watch this if you have a weak stomach. Seriously, what was Gibson thinking? Do we really need to see a realistic portrayal of the skin being flayed off Jesus' back? I mean it's great that he wants to express his religious beliefs but I think touching others spiritually doesn't necessarily have to involve that much blood and gore *shudder* don't eat anything before going to see this...

On a brighter note :D 11 Oscars for RotK *yay*

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

James_Connor's picture


i HIGLY recomend you all go see a movie called shuan of the dead

its a romantic comedy zombie movie its filled with all the kick ass stuff of zombies movies mixed with all that romatic cmoedy crap wee see all teh time so its a defnate thing to go see

ps told you it was a real movie shuan :p

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Funny, my husband just mentioned this at dinner last night.

Ok, I've been meaning to do this for over a week.

I saw Hellboy in a sneak preview the Monday before it's theatrical release. Let me just say it was well worth the time, and I would gladly pay to see it again. Ron Perlman's performance was phenomenal. This was a fun, cool, well acted movie, and I totally recommend it.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Well since we have the chance to make recomendations, I want to take the opportunity to point out Hoodlum to y'all. Ok, so it's an older movie, but still thought it was quite well done. Set in 1935 Harlem, it's about the war that broke out when Dutch Schultz decided to take over the Numbers racket in the city. Too bad for him Bumpy Johnson pushed back.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

I saw Hellboy also, and Im not going to agree with Kris. I thought the movie was REALLY bad. The story had a weak plot, and was hardly coherent. I give it a thumbs down

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Then again, Shaun thinks that "Dawn of the Dead" was a good movie, so I wouldn't trust him :P

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Well, we are all entitled to our own opinion, I suppose...

And on that note, I've also recently seen two other movies, both of which I did not hate, and I am sure you all are going to rip me up for that.

Anyway, here goes nothing.

First off, I took the kids to see Scooby Doo 2 opening weekend, cause I thought the first one was pretty funny and the kids loved it. For what it was, it wasn't too bad. A cheezy, popcorn film that appeals mostly to youngsters, and I happen to have a few, so take it from me, this movie was bearable. I'm not saying it was a life altering movie going experience, but I didn't come out wanting my bargain matinee money back, either. The first one was way funnier though.

Ok, and here comes the tomatoes, booing, and hideous catcalls I'm sure, I saw Jersey Girl on Sunday. I went with my sister and her brother in law, and I left the house intending to see this movie. Two things, right off the bat, I love, as in adore, worship, and lust after, Kevin Smith, the illustrious director of this film. I have met him and I think he's funny, cool, and very talented. I don't really care what anyone else has to say on this matter. His movies are fun, and I enjoy seeing them. Without question, his comic creation is far better than his film creation, but that's not the point.

So, Jersey Girl. What can I say? It was so much more than I expected. I always knew I'd go see it (see above.) I just didn't know I'd be so surprised by it. This was a touching film, that made me feel good about the choices I've made in my life in regards to my family. It was sad, and funny, and it touched me. I don't know how anyone here would feel about it, and I can't say that this movie is for everyone. I know people are saying that Kevin Smith sold out here, but he was making a statement about being a husband and a father, and in so doing, he accomplished what he set out to.

So there. I've said my piece. Prepare to fling rotten vegetables and vitrol. I can take it.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Being sick is allowing me the time to have fun (finally) by watching movies, getting to see new ones. As I see them,I will post reviews here. Today's movie....

Playing God

Here are the reasons to watch this movie.

If you are a woman - David Duchovney.
If you are a guy - Anjelina Jolie.

The plot and scene arrangement strikes me as a bit contrived, with only David's narrations to hold the thing together. I was left wondering half the time why people were doing the things they were doing, or why they went about it in the way that they did.

This is not the worst movie I've ever seen; that belongs to a French vampire movie which would have increased in quality had it been a lesbian gothic vampire hippy porno, instead of a film about gothic vampire hippies.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Well now, watching movies while sick affords an interesting set to watch. Today's film? Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. For those of you unfamiliar with the film, it's a Raul Julia movie that was made for public television. That should tell you something about this movie.

What should tell you even MORE about this movie is that you can really enjoy it by watching the episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 it was on. Did you think that Street Fighter was a cheesy movie? Watch Overdrawn at the Memory Bank then, a film which results in a rather enjoyable episode.

And be prepared to agree with a number of remarks about scriptwriters....

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Blackthorn's picture

Kill Bill Volume.2

No need to explain, just go see it!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

I finally feel ready to make commentary on a trilogy. :)

The Matrix - movies two and three should have never been made. Oh yes, there was nifty fight music and lots of special effects. But... well, I'm sorry. There really wasn't enough of a story to justify the other two movies, at least not in the way they did it.

Then there was the complete philosophical undertone change. Here's my summary -

The Matrix: Skepticism.
Reloaded: Determinism vs Free Will
Revolutions: ????

Bad plot and acting can sometimes be forgiven for interesting parts of philosophy or a 'meta' view of a movie, IMO. Unfortunately they fall short in both the two later attempts - I couldn't find a single uniting concept in the third movie, except perhaps for Neo as a Jesus figure who has reached the stage of dying for our sins (though we lack the ressurection).

Of course, the Christian symbolism works in the first movie. Mainly because of the fact that it's more than mere Christian symbolism: I've found things analysing the matrix as Journey of the Hero or the Shamanic Journey. It can work as a theme of all three films; but to be the most obvious philosophical thrust of the third just detracts from any other idea.

Reloaded was even worse. Ok, we get the point that they shifted to Determinism/Free Will aside from an 'update' of the Cartesian Evil Demon. Just one problem: they never did anything with it. We hear the Merovingian go on about cause and effect. And the Oracle: "You've already made the choice. You're hear to understand the choice."

Fair enough. Now if you're going to explore the idea, where is the counter? Where's the evidence of free will? Or the thing to make us really wonder if free will can exist or not? And do we really need a 10 minute lecture on cause and effect when a single statement will do?

In short, the last two movies really don't have that much to recomend them, I think - either as entertainment or as a thought experiment, while the first succeeded in doing both fairly well.

Ok, got that off my chest. :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Some more reviews. hehe.

I made a small mistake this weekend. Normally I don't read movie reviews for a reason: the critics are not to be trusted. Quite frankly, I don't trust professional reviewers. Our intuition usually works good on movies. Notice the usually.

With that in mind, there are a few exceptions. The critics hated Underworld for good reason. I turned this movie off within the first twenty minutes; now, considering I have had the patience to sit through both Modern Vampires and Mars! Attacks in their entirety, this is something of an acomplishment.

Not necessarily bad. I like bad movies on occassion, but just wasn't in the mood for one. I may go back and get Underworld the next time that I'm ill and going to be home for a few days, since so far as I can tell, the plot isn't that complex, and the point of it is to watch attractive women in fetishy/gothy clothes.

Out of morbid curiosity, I also rented Resident Evil. I didn't have the patience for that one either, but that was because this is a deliberately cheesy movie. Most video game movies are. Especially ones with the kind of basis that Resident Evil has. However, so far as I am aware, this is only the third video-game based movie to get a sequel (the others being Mortal Kombat and Tomb Raider).

In short, these are both movies that I really didn't enjoy because you need a particular mood for them. The kind of mood where you just want something to do for a couple of hours and don't want to have to think. Like when you're at home ill and can't be bothered to focus on little details like plot. :)

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