\ To: Everbody at LABN | unlimitedi.net
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Disposable_Hero's picture
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Hello all!

This message is coming to you live from Orlando! That's right, in case you've been wondering where I've been at recently, I'm on holiday in Florida. Its taken me just over three weeks but I've managed to find an internet cafe! It's a little late to be telling you this cos I'm back on monday. Damn. Looks like I've got a hell of a lot of reading to do.

The good news is all the long queues at the theme parks have given me a chance (he he, pun intended :p) to figure out what I want to do for this season (of which I've missed the start of. Bugger. Gonna have a lot of writing to do aswell). I think I'm ready to do my first colab. It mainly involves saving Chances arse from an ambush. If anybody is interested, pm me.

Well, that's it for now folks. I'm running out of time. Speak to y'all when I'm back in the UK.


To: Everbody at LABN

Logan's picture

See I was right, he was just on vacation :P

To: Everbody at LABN

Heather's picture

Ooh, holidays. Lucky Matt. :)

I'd love to help with the ambush, but by the time that gets going I daresay the portal will have opened. So it'll be up to those who remain in LA. Good luck. :wink:

To: Everbody at LABN

Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay crisis over. I'm back now.

Except the time here is 10am Monday, but to me its still 5am. Ugh. And I've been up since 8am Sunday.

Bloody time zones.

Whats all this about a portal then? Lets go take a lookie at what i've missed.

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